Want to learn affiliate marketing but do not know where or how to start? There is a jungle of opportunities out there so what to pick? In this post I will give you my #1 recommendation on how to learn affiliate marketing basics online.
Before you read the rest of my article I want to inform you according to the best online practices with information that may be important to you:
Affiliate disclaimer: This post contain affiliate links which means I will get a commission at no extra cost to you if you should click through and make a purchase.
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Earnings and result disclaimer: Programs or products mentioned in this post that involve earning money will not work for everyone and there is no guarantee for success because there are too many factors that influence the results such as skills, circumstances and knowledge that we have no control over. Our Intention is to provide you with good potential opportunities and tools that can be helpful to your success.
Opinion disclaimer:
All views and opinions expressed in posts on are my own and not Wealthy Affiliate views or opinions. Projections in this post are not endorsements.
Why basics are important
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The basics of marketing are important when you start any business whether it is offline or online. Understanding the basic marketing will help you grow faster and better. There is important to understand your customers, behaviors and what to offer to your customer, client, user or visitor.
What is marketing?
(photo: Designed by Daily Practice for Success using a Free photo from Canva )
Shortly told marketing is a process where the aim is to get a customer, user, client or a visitor interested in something of value. So researching markets and finding ways to deliver and offer something of value for a customer, user, client, visitor, society, etc is the essence of marketing. A pre -sale and a sale process. There is about finding out in what way you can help or solve a problem or a need. Research is therefore an important part of marketing.
Traditional marketing is not online. Examples of this can be Newspapers, radio marketing, telephone marketing, billboard marketing and email marketing to mention some of the most common.
Normally marketing have been separated into B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to customer) marketing, because the needs and behavior of these two groups are slightly different.
Marketing can be divided into different types: Cause marketing, Relationship marketing, scarcity marketing, undercover marketing, social marketing, Service marketing, Green marketing, Holistic marketing, Direct marketing, MLM marketing and more.
Digital marketing
Digital marketing is a form of marketing that aims to get a customer, client, user, visitor etc. interested in something of value through digital channels online on the internet. Digital marketing utilizes websites, social media channels, search engines, mobile, online shops, online courses, webinars, visual channels and advertising to mention some common channels.
What is affiliate marketing?
(photo: Designed by Daily Practice for Success using a Free photo from Canva )
Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing where a merchant pays a commission to a website for traffic and sales that is generated from the websites referrals to the merchant. The website is offering something of value that the visitor is interested in that leads to this traffic or sales.
The website helps the merchant reach new markets that merchant normally do not have access to. This is a win- win- win situation. A win for the merchant because he get access to new markets, a win for the affiliate partner because he has an opportunity to earn some money on offering a value to the visitor and get traffic to his website, A win for the customer because the customer get helpful information and often great offers going through affiliate partners and it cost no extra for the customer.
An example of this can be that you have a banner or a widget on your website with a link to the merchant or you have helpful articles on your website with unique referral links to the merchant or that you offer a free trial of the product. When a visitor visits the website and click on the links the merchant knows which website generated the traffic or sales and can pay the website a commission.
What is affiliate marketing basics?
(photo: Designed by Daily Practice for Success using a Free photo from Canva )
Affiliate marketing basics is the basic training and tools you need to understand and do affiliate marketing.
Who is affiliate marketing basics for?
Everyone who wants to know more about affiliate marketing. From startups, online marketers, merchants, small businesses and persons working from home.
Is Affiliate Marketing basics difficult to learn?
No, There is not difficult to learn if you have a good basic training program that can take you step by step through the process.
However, there are not many training platforms that offers a full basic training where you can start from scratch and build your skills up to the most advanced levels of affiliatemarketing. Many of the courses in marketing just give you a training in elements of it. Not the complete process.
But there is one platform I will tell you about that I know for sure will give you a full basic training and opportunity to earn money while training as well. You will get a daily practice in how to succeed with affiliate marketing from world-class affiliate marketers.
Where can you learn affiliate marketing basics?
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There are many places that offers courses and training in marketing. In fact, it is a huge jungle of illegitimate and legitimate providers. Just Google Affiliate marketing training and you will get 108.000.000 search results.
For a new starter it is difficult to know what is the best training online. Which training should you pick? Where to start?
For a more advanced marketer it is difficult too. You want something of value that can take your business further.
But there is one training community that is well-known, legitimate and have a blueprint that works extremely well not only for startups, but for advanced marketers and offline marketers as well. It has become the home of many well-known Affiliate marketers over the 15+ years they have existed. There is a place where affiliate marketing lives, breathes and develops daily. There is an unparalleled platform for every level in marketing.
My #1 Recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate marketing training
You can start for free without any money at all and advance as it suits you and your pocket.
Starting for free you get a free website hosted at Wealthy Affiliate and 10 Affiliate boot camp lessons for Free. The affiliate boot camp consist of 70 lessons. You get access to real valuable basic training that you do not get elsewhere. You also get 30 free searches in the most advanced keyword search tool Jaaxy which is a must for all affiliate marketers to have to get organic rankings on Google.
Try it for free now!
Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership monthly is a training for people who take their business seriously and want more valuable training and access to a community of experts on all levels. In addition, you get a mentor and additional training from other members that you have access to. With the Premium membership you get access to Jaaxy lite which is a very valuable tool for affiliate marketers. You can read all about it here.
Wealthy Affiliate Premium Yearly is the same as monthly, but you save two monthly fees by going yearly and you have access to training only for yearly members.
My experience:
I am a premium member of Wealthy affiliate myself and not unbiased when it comes to my recommendation. I have tried many marketing platforms. Some were really expensive and did not give half the value as I get here. But none of them taught you how to start from scratch and none of them had the thriving community that Wealthy Affiliate have.
How to learn affiliate marketing step by step?
With Wealthy Affiliate training you can start for free and learn the basics step by step in the Affiliate Bootcamp
There is up to you if you want to proceed afterwards and become a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member to get the full training and most value. The free training is the minimum you need to start. It will get your business rolling.
I would recommend you to go for premium within 7 days if you like this platform. There is very affordable compared to other platforms out there and the value is the best you can get.
What is Affiliate Bootcamp marketing basic training?
Below you see an overview of the Affiliate Bootcamp at Wealthy Affiliate which consists of 7 Courses and 70 Lessons. The Free trial will give you the 10 first basic lessons for Free. Try it now!
(photo: Screenshot of Wealthy Affiliate – Affiliate Bootcamp)
How to start a basic affiliate marketing website.
Below you can get a Free website to start your journey with Siterubix which is powered by Wealthy Affiliate.
How to earn money with affiliate marketing
(photo: Designed by Daily Practice for Success using free photos in Canva )
Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate marketing program you can join. In addition, they have a database of affiliate programs for an ocean of keywords and niches that you can get access to as a member.
#1 Helpful basic affiliate marketing tool
The #1 most helpful tool for any affiliate marketer is the SEO tool Jaaxy. There is the most advanced Keyword search tool on the planet right now and covers 99,7% of all searches. There is an unparalleled Keyword search tool that will help you find the best keywords so you will rank higher on search engines.
Is affiliate basic marketing training for you?
(photo: Designed by Daily Practice for Success using Canva )
That is the big question. Is this for you?
NO if you:
1. Are not willing to do the job needed
2. Think you will earn money tomorrow
YES if you:
1. Commit yourself to the training and doing the tasks
2. Willing to learn something new
3. Ask questions when you do not understand
4. Work consistently
5. Set goals and plans
6. Have a dream you want to realize
My #1 Basic Affiliate marketing training tips to get started
1. Get a website with Siterubix powered by Wealthy Affiliate. There is yours and the best online office you can have. Get it now!
2. Start the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp. Start now for free.
3. Become a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member within 7 days and get your first month for only $19. There is totally worth it. You get a mentor and multiple income streams opportunities. You can build 10 websites if you want. But I recommend to focus on one website from the start.
4. Become a yearly Wealthy Affiliate member and get access to educational material only for Yearly members.
If you have any questions about this I would appreciate that you leave a comment below and I will answer you to the best of my knowledge.
You might also want to read these 10 posts to find out more:
Review of Shareasale Affiliate program
Best websitebuilder 2020 – Siterubix Review
Best SEO and search engine marketing training platform
Maximize your Traffic with Jaaxy Pro
What is Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter membership?
How to earn extra Income – The smartest way of working from home
How to create a moneymaking website with Wealthy Affiliate
How Jaaxy can get you a first page ranking on Google
What is the best way of working from home
I hope you found this article helpful and that you give the #1 recommendation a try to see if this can be something for you.
I am sure that you will not find any other place like Wealthy Affiliate when it comes to Affiliate marketing training and value for the money.
I couldn’t have agreed more Hilde,
Affiliate Marketing is so easy to start but it takes time and we won’t be making money overnight, not even tomorrow, or the day after that. It takes time and effort which is why the basics are important for us to properly grow our second income properly without setbacks.
I’ve heard a lot about Wealthy Affiliate, they’re definitely one of the best platforms for Affiliate Marketing and I’m eager to give it a go, do you think I can get you to be my guide if I’m a member? 🙂
Hi Riaz! Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Yes Wealthy Affiliate is in my eyes the best platform to learn the basics from scratch step by step. If you click on the links in this post and become a member I will be your Guide through your journey. In addition you get access to many more mentors and experts as well. I hope to see you soon in the member Area!
Hi Hilde,
I have read your article on how to learn affiliate marketing basics and to be honest, I tend to agree with most of your tips and recommendation.
As an affiliate marketer myself, I consider every action I take as a step closer to more success and more money.
Your recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate is spot on, the training library is huge, with all the tools needed for success.
What I like most about Wealthy Affiliate is the vibrant super helpful community, no question is left unanswered there!
Hi Jordan! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic. I do agree with you that all your questions will be answered by the community and that is a great resource I appreciate a lot too.
Hi Hilde,
Affiliate marketing is by far the simplest type of marketing that you can do. Being an affiliate marketer myself, I appreciate the simple facts that no inventory is necessary, and no need for costly credit card payment acceptance. There is no shipping, or packaging required, just a link in your website will make sales using the traffic your site generates.
Recommending Wealthy Affiliate for your training choice is clearly an outstanding choice. I have also used their training and will remain a member for life. There is no better, or more detailed training anywhere for the small cost that WA charges. You have 7 days to look it over for free, and you could easily have your website up and running in a week for free.
Where else could you have your business started for free and have an additional month to look things over for $19.
Hi Chas! Well said! Where else? There is nowhere else so far that I know about that will give you as much value for the money as Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you for Leaving your thoughts about this. Wealthy Affiliate is the place anyone would love to learn basic marketing training at an affordable price. Starting for free.
Whenever people mention affiliate marketing is surely is the best ways to make money online.But without the right training it impossible to make money. I like some of the key factors about some of the affiliate marketing basic which is good for beginners just starting out. One focal point of your article is Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best training for anyone. Great post enjoyed the read. Thanks for sharing with us
Thank you Anthony! Glad you enjoyed my article. You are so right. Training is important and WA is the best you can find online now.
Affiliate marketing have been a part of online business that have been breaking ground with how fast its growing and I really love how people are willing to go into the business and make some money for themselves. Learning about affiliate marketing would do a lot of good to anyone who is willing. You’ll need all the training to get your business running and Wealthy Affiliate offers a one of a kind training that will help you grow your business.
Hi Bella! Yes more and more people see this as a way to make an income for themselves. And the trend is just increasing. Finding a good platform to start is essential for your growth. Wealthy Affiliate is a place where you can grow and develop your business while getting training on different levels. Thank you for giving your views on this.
Thank you so much for sharing with us a wonderful and informative article about how to learn affiliate marketing basics. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about it. It was really helpful. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like The Wealthy Affiliate Platform. It is a place where anyone have an opportunity to establish themselves in the affiliate world through extraordinary training. That’s why I’ve been joining the Wealthy Affiliate Platform for the past three months . I will encourage others to build their own careers by joining the platform too. It is worth it.
Hi and thank you for leaving your opinion.I am glad you learned something from my article. I think you made a wise decision to join Wealthy Affiliate. Being three months into the training you would have gained solid knowledge of the basics and the Wealthy Affiliate blueprint for success. By practicing daily what you have learned I am sure you will grow and reach your goals.
Having read this article I found it recommends Wealthy Affiliate. I joined Wealthy Affiliate and it provides what this article describes and a lot more. You can start a business from scratch with no experience like I have and it will guide you every step of the way. I looked around the net at various business opportunities and lost money on some scams. Wealthy Affiliate is great for the beginner through to the more experienced. It provides the training, the tools and support. you could ask for no more.
Hi there! Yes, Wealthy Affiliate got it all. I think that is why they call it the home of affiliate marketing online. You really feel like coming home here .
Hello Hilde, thanks alot for sharing such an amazing post, I was actually doing some research to get more knowlegde about affiliate programs when I saw your article. First of all i want to thank you for the effort you put into bringing up these site, i never really knew much about affilliate marketing, i will be gratefull if i could contact you and learn more, thanks alot
Hi there! Glad you liked my post. If you want to know more about affiliate marketing I will be happy to help you get started on your journey and follow your journey. If you sign up here I will mother you into Wealthy Affiliate. The first 7 days of the Free trial you will get access to my expert help and if you decide to go for a Premium membership I will be happy to be your mentor you on your journey and give you my special video bonus to help you out.
Very easy to read and concise review. It is very good that you stress that affiliate marketing is not for anyone: those who think that it is a get rich quick are totally wrong, and also those who think that they are going to make a lot of money just because they put their content on the internet are totally wrong. And it is good to know these important facts before starting!
Hi Rosalia! Thank you! Yes I think it is important to stress that the opportunity is there for everyone who are willing to do the work needed. Yes you can earn money sleeping on your sofa after you worked really hard. The term passive income is not correct. There is no such thing. I would call it active income instead.
To learn about affiliate marketing seems like something that would be very nice to do looking at the fact that the basics are not hard and one can join a n Affiliate boot camp that shows the way to make money easily. I am happy that you could share this information with me. Thanks!
Hi Suz! You are welcome. You are right that Affiliate marketing basics are easy to learn, but not as easy to practice. To get success you need to practice everyday the basics and being consistent in doing so.Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter.
I think your article ‘How To learn affiliate marketing basics is a brilliant tool to a lot of people who need help learning about affiliate marketing. This would be a good introduction for them. Your attention to detail and in-depth analysis of the topic made the article very easy to understand and interesting. You explain why it is important and give a step by step procedure to follow. Tools that are important to use. and tips. I liked the questions at the end. I think they are really important when making a decision to become an affiliate marketer. If you answer yes – Just start!
Hi Beesean! Glad to hear you liked my article and think it will be a useful tool. That was initially my intention. To help people who does not know where to start. I totally agree with you. If you answer yes – Just start! You can start for free today.
I have heard so much about affiliate marketing but i have always been skeptical about trying it out. This is because all the things that i have come across about making money online have almost every time turned out to be a scam. I am glad i came across your article when i was in the middle of doing my research on affiliate marketing. After reading your article I know this is definitely my thing and i am going to try Wealthy Affiliate out. I do have a question about the first month you mentioned where I get a discount. Do I get access to all the Premium features? And what is the difference between the monthly membership and the yearly membership? I would be happy to know.
Hi Innoe! Thank you for giving your thoughts and for your questions. Yes it is a jungle of offers out there and it is easy to get scammed, but I can assure you that Wealthy Affiliate is no scam. I would be delighted to follow your journey at Wealthy Affiliate if you give it a go. It is free to start and get a feeling of how it works.
Yes on the first month you get access to all the premium features like weekly live training, Jaaxy lite, more classrooms, Premium member training and you get your own blog as well. You will also earn more on your referrals to the Wealthy affiliate affiliate program and Jaaxy affiliate program. And much more.
The difference between the monthly and yearly is that you save money on going yearly. You save two monthly fees.
I hope I answered your questions You can definitely do this Innoe!
I have been staying at home for a long time during this pandemic. And learning how to earn money online has been a big challenge for me. I have been reading about affiliate marketing but every place where they start to school me they immedietly have a list of platforms and stuff I should buy. I would like to learn on a place where they truly want to teach and are not interested in saling me stuff.
Hi Abel! I can totally relate to what you say here. I experienced the same before I found Wealthy Affiliate. It is simple here. You should try it out.
You have only one membership with tools and training included.You can try the platform for free first.
There are No upsells.
It is not possible to sell anything on the platform so it is an ad free platform.
No affiliate links are allowed inside the platform so you do not have to worry about people trying to spam you with all kinds of products.
Here the focus is on the training. The core values of Wealthy affiliate is to help people succeed in creating an online business. The whole community thrive because of these values. We are urged to help others inside the community.