The importance of being consistent is crucial to your daily practice for success.

Here are the most important areas i find  most important to be consistent with in your every day life.


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Be consistent every day with sleep

Do you have a good sleeping pattern?

If not , you should create one.

Sleep is the major contributor to reset our energy and general wellbeing.

Seven to eight hours with sleep every day is what is recommended.


Your body need sleep to restitute itself.

Before my burnout collapse many years ago i had severe problems with sleep.

I was tired but was not able to sleep at all. For 3 months I almost had no sleep.

My experience with this allows me to say that this is not anything you want to experience at all.

My short time memory gradually weakened. I started to forget things.

My body reacted with severe fibroids and inflammation.

My energy declined severly as well.

I ended up collapsing in front of a customer at work.


It was no joke – the symptoms were real and not positive.

When I finally got an appointment with my doctor I was ordered to quit my work immediately and rest for a year.

And so I did.reluctantly. I liked my job but my health was more important.

The alternative was becoming severly ill.

So my choice was not very difficult.


This experience allowed me to think and reorient my life.

Sleep gives you energy and cleans the toxins out of your body.

It releases stress in your body.

Today I make sure I get at least 7-8 hours sleep every day.


Be consistent every day with drinking water


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How much water do you drink during the day?

I guess not enough.


We actually need more water than we think.

Water is essenscial for the cleansing of our body.


A while ago I did an experiment for 7 days with water.

Normally I drink 2 -3 gallons of water.

In the experiment I had to drink 3,8 gallons of water a day.

3,8 gallons is a lot of water.

But at the end of the week I noticed the difference in my body.

Feeling much more energized  and alert.


Make sure you make it a habit to drink a glass of water in the morning before you eat.

Bring a bottle of fresh water with you wherever you go and zip it throughout the day.

And drink a glass of water before you go to bed.


You will feel the difference.


Be consistent every day with meals


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I guess you already know a lot about food and how it affects your body.

It is your job to keep your bloodsugar stable by eating properly at proper times.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper should be incorporated into your lifestyle.

Eat as healthy as you can.


Make sure your body get the vitamins, minerals and energy it needs every day.

It`s all on you.

Do I need to say more?


Be consistent every day with routines


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Do you have daily routines that gives you energy?

Many people have morning routines every morning.

It is actually very effective and most high performers do have one.


After I created a morning routine which is going for a short walk and doing 30 minutes of tai chi I noticed how it affected my body and also my mood during the day.


Now I have incorporated morning routines to my every day life.

I would recommend you to create a morningroutine you are able to do everyday.

Doing your routines every day helps you getting better structure and getting more done.


Be consistent every day with focus


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Do you practice focus every day?

In my previous post I stressed the importance of focusing on your why every day because it helps you reach your goals faster.

Remember – Energy flows where your focus and attention goes.

By implementing a daily routine where you do what is nesesscary for your why your day will flow more in tune with you as a person and you will feel happier.

By practicing focus your every day life become more meaningful.

You will notice that you can accomplish so much more in a day than before in less time.


Be consistent every day with selfkindness


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By practicing self kindness every day you will feel better and you will gain more confidence and an overall feeling of happiness in your life.

Make it a habit to be kind to yourselv at least once a day.


Be consistent every day with gratitude


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Gratitude is a mental state we should all strive to be in at any time if you ask me.

You can practice to have a grateful attitude every day.

I have a gratitude book where I write down everything I am grateful for.

I do this 10 minutes daily as part of my evening routine.


Be consistent every day with self awareness


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To be self aware is to reflect upon your own actions, thoughts, feelings and experiences.

It allows your body, mind and heart to take a break inbetween daily battles.

Make it a habit to reflect at least 30 minutes a day. Make it a part of your morning or evening routine.


Do more of what makes you happy in life

Photo : Hilde

Sounds like a Cliche`but for me it is a truth.

Doing more things that makes me happy every day has helped me not only feeling happier, but also more connected to myself and to other people.

Remember the prettiest thing you can ever wear is a smile 🙂


Be consistent every day with a plan

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Take a look at your own life right now. Where do you need to be more consistent?

Make a daily, weekly or monthly plan where you add the things you need to be consistent on every day.

Start with one thing at a time. The whole idea is that you will be so good at it that iit feels like a natural part of your life.

Did you find this post useful?

please leave a comment below and tell me what you are working on regarding consistency and what challenges you have.

I would love to hear from you.


  1. It’s true, consistency is one of the secrets to success in life. A mind of a person who is consistently occupied with healthy thoughts and habits is going to create the same reality. I’ve learned that success is obtained by hard work and patience, but consistency is what lets us keep it. Great post! Keep up the good work.

    1. Author

      Thank you for reading my post Ivan! Glad you found the topic of consistency interesting.
      I agree consistency is hard to obtain 100% in all areas of Life. But with practice we become more consistent.

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