How to start a business at home

How to start a business at home

How many times have you thought about starting your own business? But you have no experience and you have no idea how to start and how to succeed. So you just push the thought away saying to yourself – Tomorrow, next week, next year etc. You do not have to do that anymore. Today I will show you how to start a business at home where you do not need experience because you will learn how to do everything. And the best thing is you can actually start for free today.

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Home is where the heart is

You are probably used to go to an office or a place where you are working or maybe you have lost your job and have no idea what to do next.

If you are reading my article you are probably playing with the idea of starting a business at home. Am I right?

Before I tell you about how to start a business from home I want to share with you the good and the bad about working from home. Working from home is wonderful, but not always a dance on roses.




The good things about working from home

you are home.

At home, you can do whatever you want.

No one is telling you what to do – You are your own boss.

You can sleep all morning and work in the evening or you can wake up early and work your hours if you want.

It is a huge time saver in regard to not having to commute to and from work.

You can eat whenever it suits you.

There is no expensive office location fees.

You do not need to have a storage for any products you sell.

The difficulties of working from home

difficultiesWorking from home is great, but it could also be lonely.

It can be challenging if you have a big family or children because you will be more distracted.

You need to address this when working from home and use your time well.

I love working from home. I can go for a walk whenever I want and I can choose how many hours I want to work. Personally I feel I work better at home and I actually get a lot more done.


Useful tips when working at home

If you are thinking of starting a business at home here are some tips that might be useful for you as you go on.

1. Create a working schedule – Having a good schedule is one of the fundamentals of daily practice for success.

2. Practice to love your obstacles: read my post on how you can learn to love your obstacles.

3. Practice self-discipline: read my post on how you can do this.

4. Visualize every day: Read the post on how to this.

5. Get a planner. Find a digital or physical planner. My favorite planner is the High performance planner.

6. Never give up – There are at least 5 solutions to any problem. Ask for help.

7. Surround yourself with people who support you. Find like-minded people – a community or a group where you can get feedback and advice. It is easy to get tunnel visioned and it is good to have someone to discuss your topics with.

8. Find a place in the house that is your office. It is easier to focus when you have your own work space.

How to start a business at home?

laptop Today the best way is to start a business online. To do this you need a computer and an Internet connection. No internet connection = no online business. Did you know that by the end of 2020 at least 40% will work from home online?

Then you need a website or a blog. You may ask why not start a business on YouTube or Social media? Of course, you can, but if you do that, you have to know that you have limited ownership and rights over your own content and what you can post. And you have no guarantee that your profile will not get banned for various reasons.

With a website or a blog you are more free, in control over your business and you can promote it on your social media channels instead. You set the rules. You own your own content provided you use the right Internet host.

With your own website it is easy to find affiliate partners and get approved for selling other peoples products.

Where can I build a Free website?

How to start a business at home There is a jungle of website builders out there and it is easy to go for the most popular and cheapest that you see ads about all the time.

Just be aware that many companies that offers cheap websites often have a lot of up sells. An up sell can be another product, more storage, support, coaching, content systems, training. They will charge you extra for this and the total costs will differ from 2000 to 5000 a year. So always check what you really get for the money. Most website builders will not let you try their product before you start.

When I started out I crawled the internet for website builders. And after doing a lot of research on the matter I found one platform that offered me a free trial and was the real deal. I only use this website builder now. I have built more than one website on this platform and I have to say that you will not find a more time saving website builder that offers free training as well.

My number one pick to build a free website is Siterubix Free website builder. You might want to read my review about Siterubix here. I am only using Siterubix when building a new website.

Siterubix is powered and hosted by Wealthy affiliate and this is a match made in heaven, because Wealthy Affiliate offers you a free basic free course in how to start an online business from home. Everything is laid out for you on a silver plate.

What can Wealthy Affiliate Offer you?

To sum the free trial offer up shortly

You get 1 Free website

10 core certification lessons

10 Affiliate boot camp lessons

30 Free searches on the worlds most advanced SEO tool Jaaxy

Affiliate program to promote

Network with experts first 7 days

Action bonus

This deal actually changed my life and it can change yours too

Action Bonus – if you want to start a business at home that rocks you need more advanced training and a helpful and supportive community at some point.

The action bonus is valid within the first 7 days of the training. And will give you a 59% discount on the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership the first month.

Alternatively you must continue on your own, but I would not recommend that.

Get access to a supporting online community

To me personally the online community is a unique feature of Wealthy Affiliate.

All I can say is that this community is priceless and I feel blessed and thankful for all the value it has given me.

I am sure you will love it too if you decide to become a full access Premium member.



This is what the Wealthy Affiliate online community can offer you

Experts – there are many experts in our community to help you out on your journey.

Advice – you will get advice from the community if you need it.

Feedback – the training offers feedback on different sites

Friends – A perfect place to find new friends and business partners

Connections – You build a huge network of affiliate marketers

Inspiration – Every day you will get inspired

Motivation – Every day you will be motivated

Support – You have 24/7 support

Doing it all alone is possible, but never recommended.

At some point in your business you will need help, advice, support, motivation and inspiration.

Get access to a mentor and coaching

Another thing that makes Wealthy Affiliate unique is the support and mentoring. You have access to your own mentor as well as a lot of other mentors within the community.

You will always feel that you are being taken good care of. Kyle and Carson, the founders, are like two grandfathers looking after their grandchildren with a lot of care and dedication. And they are very active on the platform.

I do not know of many founders who are daily active on their platforms as these two guys.

1-1 mentoring as you go

Live coaching with founders

Live training on latest trends

Follow up

This is especially valuable when working from home. You need input from others so you are not just swimming around in your own little fishbowl.

How will Wealthy Affiliate training help you succeed?


Wealthy Affiliate training help you succeed by:

– laying the solid foundation for your business

– Giving you a proven and evergreen blueprint

– Growing faster than if you do it alone

– Getting results

– You build affiliate marketing muscles step by step

– Holding your hand every step on your journey and guide you to the next level.

– helping you keep the costs down

Want to start an online business at home?

You are the key tool in your business. You need to make the first decision and the first move.

My best advice is just to start and take one step at a time.

When you have decided to do it and start doing it you will see new doors will open to you.

Remember that all of us starts with the first step.

I have now given you my #1 recommendation on how to start a business at home for free.

It is up to you if you want to grab this free opportunity.

I hope this article serves you well. Should you have any questions what so ever – leave me a comment below. I am here to help you. Go get your free training below and let`s get you started!

= Yes! I want free training in how to start a business at home =

Just A few things before you go on!

Picture of Hilde Regine Rayani

Thank you for reading my article. I hope you found it helpful.

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3. If you have any questions about starting a business at home, please leave them in the comments below, and I will get back to you.

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  1. Very good information and article on how to start your online business from home. I love all the tips you give about the pros and cons of actually working from your own home. Also, the details about the wealthy affiliate platform are excellent, and I have to admit that I am a premium member at wealthy affiliate and I would not want to do it with any other company. The support, training and information is all here to be successful. There is absolutely nothing left to chance, there are programs to take you from beginner all the way to successful home-based Internet entrepreneur!


    1. Author

      Hi Dave! Thank you for your comment.  Yes It is all there laid out for you to take advantage of it. I feel the same as you – I would not start an online business with any other company. I think many members feel this way. They thrive because this platform is so unique and it take your hand and lead you through all the way.

  2. The devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on my business has prompted me to start researching on business I can do online and from home. I have read quite a lot on it and reading this article will be of additional advantage to me as it will help to further broaden my knowledge and competency of owing a business at home.

    1. Author

      Hi Nelson! Glad you found my tips helpful and I wish you the best in starting your own business online. I think it is very wise of you to start working online now. Before the pandemic it was forcasted that 40% would work online by the end of 2020. I think it will be more. Thank you for the comment.

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