How to build a landing page with Mailpoet and Elementor

Looking for an Email provider, landing page and automation tool? Are you using Mailpoet for WordPress to capture emails? Did you know that you can actually build a converting landing page using Mailpoet and Elementor? In this article I will show you How to build a landing page for free with Mailpoet and Elementor

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Why you need a landing page

In your daily practice for success building your website and monetizing it there comes a time when you need to consider at one point to create a landing page to target specific customers, increase your list, conversions and sales.

Many website owners, bloggers, affiliate marketers, solopreneurs and online businesses use landing pages for different reasons. In my own daily practice I have been doing some research and made my decisions on what tools to choose for capturing emails, making my own landing pages and automate.

My choice is to use Mailpoet and Elementor and in this post I will explain why and how you can make a landing page with Mailpoet and Elementor.

What is a landing page?


In case, you have no idea what a landing page is I will explain it to you:

A landing page is actually any page on your website where your visitors go. In fact a normal page that contain links to products, services and information of value for the visitor. It can be an about you page, a welcome page, a sales page just to

You want to build an email list on your website to get your visitors to sign up and join. You can make a contact form in the sidebar or on a page. You can also make an offer to a service, course or product where you capture the email via an initial sign up form

The goal of a landing page

Back to the question you asked yourself. Why are you building this page? What is your intent?

Your intent is to target your audience and make it convert. Converting can be traffic, clicks, leads, customers, views and more.
So the goal of a landing page is to target specific audiences and increase conversions and to become more visible.

What Mail provider, landing page builder and Automation tools should you use?

I often get this question. What mail provider do you use? Which mail provider is the best? What landing page builder do you use? Which landing page builder should I use for my website?

I can not make the decision for you, but I can share with you my opinions, experiences and information about it.

There is an ocean of mail providers, landing page providers and automation tools out there. You need to find the tool you think fit best for your business.

I have made a choice to use Mailpoet and Elementor. The reason for this is that both are drag and drop programs and easy to set up and use. I save a lot of time using these. Another reason is that Mailpoet are soon coming with more automation tools that are easy to integrate. I only need a minimum of tools to relate to.

If you do not think Mailpoet is the tool for you, I have a list of tools I recommend you can take a look at. But before you decide what tools to use I hope you read my post to see what is possible to do with Mailpoet and Elementor.

Are you ready to skyrocket your business with Mailpoet and Elementor?


Install Mailpoet Premium Free

1. If you do not have a Mailpoet account you can create a free account here

2. Then you need to install the Mailpoet plugin for WordPress.

You get a free email list up to 1000 Subscribers, support and advanced analytics not to mention amazing an easy drag and drop newsletter templates and video tutorials.

I use Mailpoet because I think it is so easy to use. However, I have been looking for a way to building a landing page and automate my mails with Mailpoet. After doing some research I have found that Elementor is also a drag and drop based page builder for landing pages that goes well with Mailpoet. Mailpoet actually recommend using Elementor. Both Mailpoet and Elementor works well with WordPress and both of them have WordPress plugins. So if you have a WordPress website this is a solution you should consider using.

Install Elementor

3. Create an account on Elementor.

4. Install the Elementor Page builder Plugin for WordPress.

How to create a Free landing page

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the Elementor Plugin

2. Watch the welcome video

3. Create your first page

4. Get to know the Elementor Dashboard and Library

5. Pick a theme from the library or create your own custom page

What should your landing page include?

First of all you need to ask yourself why do I want a landing page? What is it I want my customers to do?

Do you want to inform your customers about something?

Do you want to sell a Product?

Do you want your visitors to join your email list?

Or do you want your visitors to join a challenge or a service?

When you figured out the intent of your landing page you can proceed the process of building.

You want your customer to land on a page where you offer them something of value that you do not want them to say no to.

Capture emails

A landing page with the intent of capturing emails should be as simple as possible with only the minimal information needed for your customer to make a choice. All other unnecessary distractions must go. You need no header and footer or sidebars, widgets etc. You want to make it simple for your visitors to make a choice.

But you need a form or a button where they sign up and a header and a short text, picture or video that tell the customer about why they should sign up to the list.

Selling a product or a service

A landing page with the aim of selling a product often have an offer, a free trial, a taste of the real product.

I can make an example. I am an affiliatemarketer and I promote other peoples products.

One of the products I promote is an affiliate marketing training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate Have a Free trial and A Premium membership.

You can make a landing page with a direct link for your referral URLs to the free trial or you can make a landing page where you offer some special information, training,,tips or service with an Email sign up.

You can then promote your tips and services after they signed up to your list. You can make a landing page with special offers to a specific product you want the visitor to buy. A sales landing page often have more text and capturing content.

Provide information

You can build a landing page only for informational or educational purposes.

Automate Elementor landing pages with Mailpoet

One question I often get from my customers is how can I automate my emails. What is the best solution?

Since I have not tried all solutions I can not give you the answer to this, but I can tell you how to automate your Elementor landing pages with Mailpoet.

Automating your landing page is easy with Mailpoet using the welcome email feature. Mailpoet will soon launch more options for automating so it will be easy for you to automate. They already have special auto responder emails for Woocommerce

What are the alternatives?

There are many mail providers who offers auto responders.

I will not go into these alternatives in this post, but you can take a look at my recommendations on my tool list here.

My thoughts – Pros and cons

Mailpoet and Elementor are really amazing tools together. Extremely easy to set up and use. The drag and drop features that both provides is a huge time saver and make it easy and fun to create a landing page and automate it. The only cons is that you need to use time to learn how to use the tools. Once you have done that you can make the most professional, Top of the cream landing pages for your website to target your specific audiences, increase your traffic and sales and become more visible online.

A few things before you leap off

Thank you for reading my whole article. I hope you found it helpful.

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3. If you have any questions about Building landing pages, Mailpoet or Elementor please leave them in the comments below.

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  1. Thank you so much for this article about Mailpoet and Elementor.. I am a novice when it comes to building a landing page and it is a good thing to come across your article..Seriously, I will use this to make a landing to help increase my chances of conversion. It seems like a very easy way to set up. And I like the drag and drop features.

    1. Author

      Hi Darmi! Glad I could help you find a simple and easy way to create a landing page for free. If you need any help just contact me or subscribe to my weekly tips to get updates when I share it.

  2. Hello there! Thanks a lot for dropping this article. I find it very interesting, informative and educative. I particularly like your website because of the way it’s built and your simplicity. I’m sure this would attract a lot of audience, I wish you well. I didn’t know the importance of building landing pages until i came across this. I would definitely need you to help me in building one. I’ve subscribed to your news letter and I’ll definitely share this post

    1. Author

      Hi Sophie! Thank you for dropping your thoughts. Glad to hear you like my website. I will gladly help you build a landingpage with Mailpoet and Elementor and give you my best tips. Appreciate you share my post.

  3. Hello there, thanks for this nice article and I feel so happy to have finally found an answer to my questions. I have been introduced newly to online businesses and I have just heard about a landing page but do not know how to go about creating one. I like the fact that it’s free and seeing how to go about it here makes me really happy. I will give it a try.Cheers 

    1. Author

      Hi Lawson. Glad you found your answers in my article. For a beginner this is an excellent solution with the drag and drop features and easy setups. Thank you for letting me know.

  4. This article is extremely educating and understandable one. There are lots of helpful  ideas to be gained here and I understand a whole lot more about the importance of building landing pages, I am excited I came across your post . It will enable me in building one and benefit my business.tremendously. I like that you explained  about different types of landingpages and targeting the audience.I know exactly how to go about building one now and how to automate.

    1. Author

      Hi Joshua! Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it. My intent and goal with this post was exactly to help others building a landing page. So it means a lot that you found my article helpful and that you learned something new. If you have any further questions about it do not hesitate to contact me. If you sign up on my newsletter you will get weekly tips on different topics that could be of good help to you as well.

  5. Sometimes I do ask myself what landing page means. I’ve been having hard time understanding this concept as a new beginner to affiliate marketing. It had been very confusing. Most of the articles I’ve read couldn’t come up with a clear explanation. But yours is clear and concise. I’m glad to see that I can get to use Mailpoet and Elementor for free. Very informative. If you don’t mind, I might come back for questions if I find any trouble as to setting it up.

    1. Author

      Hi Kelvin! Glad you found an understanding of what a landing page mean. You are welcome to ask me anything you like and I will do my best to give you a good answer.

  6. This is something that I would be looking to do for sure. I really like the idea of being able to build my own landing page although I didn’t know which platform would have been the best for me to use. I like that Mailpoet and Elementor are actually easy to use. This would be good for my affiliate marketing business.

    1. Author

      Hi Jackie! Thank you for your input. If you are about to build your own landingpage this is a very good choice. It is extremely easy to set up and make a landing page with Mailpoet and Elementor and they look really good too.

  7. Thank you very much for this useful information. I’m still a newbie in affiliate marketing and heard about building a landing page, but I have no idea how to build it without involving some coding. I’m, glad both Elementor and Mailpoet work with the drag-and-drop system. Personally, I find Mailpoet simpler, so I will try with their program first. Thank you.

    1. Author

      Hi and thank you for your views! I am glad you found Mailpoet to be easy for you to start using it. I am sure you will be pleased with how easy it is to use.

  8. It’s very resourceful to have the support and guidance of this information, many times, people don’t get to have the right resources to carry out the tasks they want to but with information like this, it’ll help a lot. Mailpoet is a really good program and I think following your tips here will help make good use of it. I’d love to check it out

    1. Author

      Hi! Thank you for letting me know your thoughts! Just glad if my article can help someone to build a free and easy landingpage. 

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