How To Build Digital Assets That Sells?

How do you build an asset that sells? In this Article How to Build Digital Assets that Sells I will try to explain to the best of my knowledge from the four years I have been online as an affiliate and lately as a Digital creator how to build and sell Digital assets that your audience would love to buy

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Before you continue reading, I would like to inform you, in accordance with best online practices, about some important information:

  • Affiliate disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click on a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
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When I started online four years ago I knew little or nothing about building Digital Assets. What about you? I did not even know what a Digital Asset was or why they are so valuable.

What are Digital Assets?

First of all I will define digital assets as non-physical resources that hold value and can be owned, transferred, sold or used online.

Digital assets Incorporate a wide range of intangible items that exist in digital form online.

These can include:

  • Software and Apps
  • Digital media (Music, videos, e-books)
  • Intellectual property in digital form
  • Digital designs and blueprints
  • Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Examples include websites, online courses, e-books, Guides, frameworks, templates, Affiliate programs, software applications, and even social media profiles just to mention some.

These assets have become indispensable in todays market, enabling marketers, entrepreneurs and companies to expand their reach and generate revenue without geographic limitations.

The significance of digital assets in today's economy cannot be overstated.

And here is the thing: They offer scalable bu.siness models, as once created, a digital asset can be sold multiple times without needing to reproduce it.

This unique characteristic has revolutionized various industries and created new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike, myself included.

Most people who start online sell other peoples Assets

This is called Affiliate marketing. You sell other peoples products for a small percentage of the sale.

That is how I started, but I could never seem to feel fully aligned with the eco systems they were a part of.

Like many people online I struggled with long working hours, family, income and low confidence in my own abilities. I was no Guru, No Wizard that knew it all.

I started as an affiliate without any knowledge in order to create an extra income stream so I could live more and struggle less.

I struggled to keep up with these mass promotion strategies I was taught as an affiliate in various programs.

They gave me tons of one off commissions and cold leads who never turned into recurring paying customers.

The fact is that I invested way more time and money than I earned.

And to me It was not viable in the long run. I wanted to earn, not lose money.

If that is how you feel right now too, remember you are not alone.

One of my mentors gave me the brilliant idea to start building my own assets and explained why it is a much more profitable way if you want a recurring income stream online.

The more I thought about it, and after being an affiliate for a long time selling other peoples assets, the more I felt like building something that was more aligned with me, my life and my audience.

I became aware of and discovered the power of digital assets.

All I needed to do was to build my own digital assets.

The power of building digital asssets

One of the most compelling aspects of building digital assets is their scalability.

Unlike physical goods, digital assets can be replicated and distributed at virtually no cost.

For me the cost effectiveness played a major role as this scalability offers several advantages:

  • Reduced production costs
  • Faster distribution
  • Global reach
  • Ability to serve multiple customers simultaneously

This scalability is a true game-changer, particularly for marketers, small businesses and solo entrepreneurs who might not have extensive resources.

It allows them to compete on a global stage without having to be a Guru or a wizard or a solid financially company.

Creating digital assets is all about generating value

Value comes from solving problems, fulfilling needs, or providing unique insights to your audience.

When done correctly, your digital assets can create passive income streams, freeing up time for your other private pursuits or further business development.

Building a successful digital asset starts with understanding its potential impact and how it can serve your target audience's needs.

Impact on Business Models

The rise of digital assets has led to the emergence of new business models and the transformation of existing ones:

Subscription-based services: Companies and individuals can offer access to vast libraries of digital content for a recurring fee.

Freemium models: Businesses can provide basic digital assets for free while charging for premium features or content.

Digital marketplaces: Platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of digital assets have become increasingly popular.

Tokenization: Physical assets can be represented digitally, enabling fractional ownership and increased liquidity.

How to create an asset that sells?

Identifying the right market needs is the secret in developing a digital asset that resonates with your users and sells effectively.

You simply start by researching your target audience.

You can use surveys, social media insights, and industry reports to gather data about your specific audience and get a clearer picture of your potential customers.

Analyzing market trends is another key step to identify your audience needs.

Keep an eye on what's popular, what’s gaining traction, and what’s starting to fade away.

After four years online I have seen so many trends come and go in an incredible speed.

Tools like Google Trends, industry reports, and competitor analysis can offer valuable insights. If you Look for gaps in the market—places where demand exists but supply is lacking you may find a goldmine. That is why understanding your consumers pain points is essential.

Listen to feedback from potential or existing customers. Have conversations with them.

Visit online forums, social media groups, and review sites to find unmet needs in your niche that you can turn into an irresistible asset for your audience.

Crafting a digital asset that addresses these pain points can give you a competitive edge, making your offering indispensable.

Remember, you do not have to know it all, you just have to know more than the people you help.

Combining these approaches—audience research, trend analysis, and identifying pain points—will help you pinpoint the core needs of the market and your audience.

This foundation enables you to create a digital asset that not only appeals to your target audience but also stands out in a crowded and noisy marketplace. You are creating your own unique voice.

Creating High-Quality Content

High-quality content is the heart of any successful digital asset.

But what is high Quality content?

It's not just about putting words or images that looks and sounds good together;

it's about crafting something that genuinely connects with your audience.

The keyword here is to connect. The more you connect on a deeper level, the higher is the quality.

So how do you connect?

Your Content plays a significant role in connecting and in the perceived value of a digital asset.

To create something worthwhile, start with thorough research.Ensure your content is accurate, up-to-date, and deeply relevant to your audience’s needs.

Authenticity is key—people can easily tell when your content is genuine and when it’s just fluff.

Another crucial element is originality.Rehashing existing content or copying others won't set you apart. Bring fresh perspectives, unique insights, or innovative solutions or new angles to the table.

Original content not only captures attention, but also builds a loyal following, as users appreciate your uniqueness and effort.

Presentation matters just as much as substance. Use engaging formats like videos, infographics, and interactive elements to make your content more accessible and enjoyable. Diverse formats keep the audience engaged and can cater to different learning styles and preferences.

Consistency is vital. Regularly update and add new content to keep your audience coming back. Consistency builds trust and shows your audience that you are an active, reliable source of information.

Moreover, search engines favor frequently updated content, which can improve your visibility.

Tips for new digital asset creators

Create genuine content that connects with your audience

Be yourself. Do not copy other peoples content. Make your own original content.

Find different ways to engage and connect with your audience.

Be consistent.

Incorporate feedback and iterative improvements.

Pay attention to what works and what does not work for you.

Use analytics tools to track engagement and gather insights.

Update your content based on your feedback to ensure it continues to meet your audience's evolving needs.

Create helpful assets that your audience demand.

Chose a business model and Monetize your assets

Leveraging Technology and Tools

As technology continues to advance, the role of digital assets in the economy is likely to grow even further. This is good news if you are a digital asset builder.

Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the metaverse are expected to create new types of digital assets and innovative ways to utilize them.

Technology is here to make your life easier, especially when you're building digital assets.

The right tools can help you streamline the creation process, enhance quality, and save time.

There are essential tools that you should consider.

For content creation, platforms like WordPress make website building straightforward.

Canva is a tool can help you with designing engaging visuals, while Grammartools ensures your text is polished and free of errors.

I must admit I do not use any grammartools myself, but I probably should.

Video creation tools come in handy for producing high-quality videos.

Technology doesn’t just help with creation, but also with enhancement.

Learn to use SEO tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to optimize your content for search engines.

These tools provide insights into keywords, backlinks, and traffic sources, which can help you refine your content strategy.

Gaining better Technical skills are a must-have in today’s digital landscape.

Whether it's basic HTML, graphic design, video editing, or using complex data analytics software, investing time to learn these skills can pay off big.

Online tutorials, courses, and forums are great resources for picking up new skills.

Remember, technology and tools are enablers, not a substitute for quality.

They help enhance your creativity and efficiency, but the core value of your digital asset still comes from your insight, originality, and dedication to solving your audience's problems.

Building Brand Authority

Establishing a strong brand voice and tone is crucial for gaining trust, authority and recognition.

Your brand's voice should reflect its values, mission, and personality.

Consistency in tone across all content helps build a cohesive identity.

Think of your brand as a person – how do they speak, sound, what are their characteristics?

This consistency makes your content instantly recognizable and relatable.

E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust) principles are essential in building brand authority.

Demonstrating your experience and expertise through high-quality content solidifies your position as a thought leader.

Authoritativeness comes from backing your content with credible sources and showcasing testimonials, case studies, and endorsements.

Trust is earned by maintaining transparency and ethical practices in your operations and communications.

Strategies for consistent brand messaging include creating brand guidelines, training your team, and regularly reviewing and updating your content.

Brand guidelines cover everything from tone of voice and writing style to visual elements like logo usage and color schemes.

Training your team ensures everyone from content creators to customer service representatives communicates in line with your brand.

Constantly review and update your content to reflect any changes in your brand or market.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Understanding the legal landscape is a must when creating digital assets.

This is probably the most ignored by many online it seems. Ignorance isn’t bliss here.

It can lead to serious consequences, including fines and lawsuits.

Make sure you’re familiar with intellectual property rights, and that you’re not infringing on someone else’s work. This means using licensed images, citing sources, and avoiding plagiarism at all costs.

Ethical considerations are just as important. Always create content that respects the audience and maintains their trust.

Avoid misleading information, clickbait tactics, and manipulative practices.

Transparency is crucial. Let your audience know about any partnerships, sponsorships, or affiliate links. Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose.

Compliance with standards and regulations is non-negotiable. GDPR for European customers, CCPA for Californians, and other regional regulations must be adhered to when collecting or processing personal data.

Ignoring these can result in hefty fines and loss of consumer trust. Use clear privacy policies and give users control over their data.

Working with legal professionals can help navigate these complexities.

If you’re unsure about any legal issues, consulting with an attorney who specializes in media law or intellectual property can save you from potential troubles down the line.

Always protect your work with proper registrations and understand the legalities involved in your specific niche.

By addressing these legal and ethical considerations upfront, you safeguard your digital assets and build a foundation of trust and reliability.

This not only protects you legally but also helps in establishing a brand that consumers respect and return to time and again.

While digital assets offer numerous benefits, they also present unique challenges:

  • Intellectual property protection
  • Digital rights management
  • Cybersecurity concerns
  • Regulatory compliance

Monetizing Digital Assets

Turning your digital assets into revenue requires a strategic approach.

There are different monetization strategies you can consider, each with its own pros and cons.

Selling directly to consumers via platforms like Shopify or Gumroad can be effective.

Personally I have good experience using Gumroad for my own digital assets.

These platforms handle transactions, allowing you to focus on marketing and content creation.

Subscription models are another way to generate steady income.

Offering memberships or access to premium content on a recurring basis not only provides a predictable revenue stream but also fosters a loyal community. Think about platforms like Patreon or Substack, which are designed to support this model.

Affiliate marketing is a popular option. By recommending other peoples products or services relevant to your audience, you can earn a commission on each sale made through your referral links. Be transparent about these partnerships to maintain credibility and trust with your audience.

Creating digital courses or workshops can be quite lucrative. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable make it easy to design, host, and sell educational content. These platforms often have built-in marketing tools to help you reach a broader audience.

However there is an investment you need to make before you even know if your course will sell.

Pricing your digital Assets

Pricing your digital assets correctly is crucial. Conduct market research to understand what your competitors are charging and what your audience is willing to pay. Experiment with different pricing models—one-time payments, tiered pricing, or pay-what-you-want strategies—to see what works best for your offer.

Maximizing revenue potential involves constant iteration. Use analytics to track performance, gather customer feedback, and make necessary adjustments.

Maybe a certain piece of content could be expanded into a series, or a low-performing product needs reworking. Always be open to pivoting based on real data and feedback.

Marketing and Promotion

Effective marketing channels can make or break your digital asset's success.

Social media platforms like Facebook/Meta, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are excellent for reaching different segments of your audience.

Share engaging content regularly and interact with your followers to build a community around your brand.

Email marketing is another powerful strategy.

Building an email list allows you to communicate directly with potential customers. Share valuable content, updates, and offers through newsletters. Email providers like Aweber can automate this process and make it easier for you to manage and track your email campaigns.

Building a website for your products is a smart strategy

SEO strategies play a crucial role in increasing visibility. Optimizing your content for search engines involves using relevant keywords, creating quality backlinks, and ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly. Tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush can help you monitor your site's performance and make data-driven adjustments. Your website will also help you build more authority online.

Paid advertising can give your digital asset a significant boost. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads offer targeted options to reach specific demographics. Starting with a small budget to test different ad creatives and messages can yield valuable insights, allowing you to refine your approach. Just remember that getting leads is not the same as getting customers.

Engaging with your audience is the most important. Respond to comments, participate in relevant online communities, and consider hosting webinars or live Q&A sessions. These activities not only build trust but also offer direct feedback from your audience, helping you adapt and improve your digital assets.

Measuring Success and Iterating

Measuring the success of your digital assets is an ongoing process.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated give you valuable insights into how well your assets are performing.

Track these metrics regularly to understand what’s working and what needs adjustment.

Tools for tracking and analyzing performance are indispensable. Google Analytics offers comprehensive insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion paths.

For social media metrics, There are tools that can monitor engagement and growth.

Email marketing platforms usually have built-in analytics to help you gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Iterating based on feedback and data is crucial for continual improvement.

Pay attention to customer reviews, comments, and direct feedback. Use this information to make necessary adjustments. Maybe the onboarding process for your digital course needs streamlining or perhaps your e-book could benefit from more detailed chapters.

A/B testing is another valuable technique. Test different versions of your content, landing pages, or emails to see which performs better.

Small tweaks can lead to significant improvements in user engagement and conversion rates. Document your findings to create a reference for future projects.

Remember, success isn’t a one-time milestone but a continuous journey.

Regularly update your digital assets to keep them relevant and valuable. By staying adaptive and responsive to both data and feedback, you ensure that your digital assets remain competitive and appealing to your audience.

Personal Experience

I went from being an affiliate to become a digital asset creator because I was tired of the time consuming mass marketing strategies that did not align with my own values and life.

I was tired of chasing cold leads that never converted into customers.

I did not want only freebie seekers or just cold leads who never took any action.

I wanted a warm, active audience with paying customers.

If I am right, that is what you want too.

I was tired of wasting time on people who joined and invested but never took any action.

I was tired of getting no commissions from expired affiliate cookies that I had generated thousands of leads to.

I could not afford the huge investments in high ticket coaching programs.

And I did not have my own assets to sell.

I discovered I was not alone being in this situation.

I created an organic cost effective method that help people who have been online for less than two years enjoy their journey while feeling more confident that they can create their own digital assets that will sell and get paid for their online efforts.

Will you join us?

Photo: Created by Hilde Regine Rayani in Canva

If you want to work with me and build your own digital assets that sells without investing tons of time and money before you know it will sell, then feel free to join my the Daily Practice for Success Business builders strategic circle

It is a low cost monthly membership group designed to help you build your own irresistible assets for your specific audience. You will get support, feedback and access to lots of pure valuetraining, and exclusive recurring income opportunities.

You can also join my Free Marketing tips list to get special tips and value here

Look forward to connect with you!

I hope you got a lot of value out of this Article, because there is a lot of hidden gems in here for those who read it well. Comment below what was your biggest takeaway from reading it?

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