How to create a free affiliate marketing website

Are you thinking about becoming an affiliate marketer, blogger or a content marketer? The best place to start is to create a website. In this post I will show you how and where to create a free affiliate marketing website and how to get free marketing training.

Before you read the rest of my post I want to inform you according to the best online practices with information that may be important to you:

Affiliate disclaimer: This post contain affiliate links which means I will get a commission at no extra cost to you if you should click through and make a purchase.

Third party disclaimer: We are not legally responsible for what happens when you click on third party links because we have no control over third parties websites, content, functionality or security and can not be held responsible for any technical or other damage to your device such as computer, mobile or tablet used when clicking on a link to connect to other platforms, download material, install, modify or distribute any material, software or other.

Earnings and result disclaimer: Programs or products mentioned in this post that involve earning money will not work for everyone and there is no guarantee for success because there are too many factors that influence the results such as skills, circumstances and knowledge that we have no control over. Our Intention is to provide you with good potential opportunities and tools that can be helpful to your success.

Opinion disclaimer:

All views and opinions expressed in posts on are my own and not Wealthy Affiliate views or opinions. Projections in this post are not endorsements.

Why becoming an affiliate marketer?

(Photo: Unsplash)

Before I go on I want to address your thought of becoming an affiliate marketer and create a realistic awareness about it and to help offer some clarity.

Why do you want to become an affiliate marketer?

Take a few seconds and think about it. Most people say: I want to make money, I want to have something to make a living of and I want to help others with my knowledge and if I can earn money on doing so it would be just great.

Most of us have these reasons. That is all fine. But there are often not your real reason. Is it? To find your real reasons you need to go way deeper. Why do you want to make money? Why do you want something to make a living of? Why do you want to help others? Maybe you want to make money so you can buy a new car or maybe you want to have extra money to secure your children or start a new project. But why do you want to buy a new car? And why do you want to secure your children and start a new project? Your real reason lays much deeper. To find your deeper reason you must ask yourself a bunch of why questions until you get to the bottom of it.

The reason why I address this is that your deepest why is what will be your driving force in your affiliate marketing journey. I tend to think that the more important your reason is for you the more seriously you will take your affiliate website and the more likely it is that you will succeed. You just have to listen to other affiliate marketers reasons why they do it and you will understand what I mean. What you think is the reason is often not the real reason.

The benefits of becoming an Affiliate marketer

Deciding to become an affiliate marketer is the best decision I ever made and it may be the best decision you will ever make too. The benefits are many and the earning potential is huge.

Your website is your office

Being an affiliate marketer means that you need no physical office. Your website is your office.

Create your first online office for free

You do not have to pay for renting an office. Why should you when you could create your own online office for free?

Work from anywhere with an internet connection.

No commuting to and from work which saves you a good amount of time to work on your website. Not to mention you do not have to stress to work to be there in time and you do not have to stress to get back home in time to dinner, picking up children or whatever you need to be back for. You also save money on not having to commute anymore.

Your time – Your responsibility

Another benefit is time management – You have total control over your own time. You can work when you want and where you want. You can create your own working schedule that works for you. You can work all over the world if you want.

Adjust working hours to your life

If you are a mom or dad working from home it is most welcoming to be able to manage your time as it suits your daily rhythm. If you like to sleep late and work in the evenings.

No physical product needed

You do not need your own product or service because you will join affiliate programs that promote other peoples products or services.

Learning skills

You learn a lot of different skills along your journey about mindset, products, strategies, making money, social skills, writing skills and much more.

Brilliant training

If you get good training it is easy to set up a website and get started and you can earn a full time income if you are patient and do it right.


You develop expertise, authority and knowledge about your niche and online.

All in all the benefits of affiliatemarketing are clear – more flexibility, less stress, saving money, saving time, getting new skills and a greater feeling of success and a huge earning potential if you are willing to put in the work.

Obstacles for many affiliate marketers

Having no goals or strategies.

Daily practice and Self discipline.

Writing helpful content relevant to their niche and being consistent in doing so.

Having the right focus that help your website grow into a successful business and not get distracted by irrelevant issues.

Being too obsessed by selling and statistics.

Not asking for help from others who may offer help with your struggles.

All affiliate marketers have some obstacles to overcome. The good news is obstacles can be overcome with practice.

It is a journey where you have to learn the to walk the basics well before you can start running. Being aware of your obstacles and how to overcome them is a part of it. What do you think will be your biggest obstacle?

Why is creating an Affiliate Marketing Website a brilliant choice?

Affiliate marketing is a brilliant choice because you do not need to have a lot of money to start or a lot of experience. The income potential is huge if you invest your time in it. It is a low risk and has a huge revenue potential.

This industry is growing like never before. Many governments now recommend home office because of the global situation we are in with new technology, pandemics etc. It is smart because you can build multiple income streams online and spreading your risk of becoming unemployed to a minimum. If you fail in one niche you can succeed in another. You are your own boss.

I think more and more people see the benefits of affiliate marketing can give them when it comes to secure themselves for various scenarios that can happen. Many affiliate marketers continue to work in their regular jobs as well while others go all in and run multiple websites and getting multiple income streams.

The thing is – There are endless opportunities with affiliate marketing. But there are also a lot of scams that can rip you off. It can be difficult for a newbie to spot a scam. And you do not want to be in for a scam do you? Scam schemes are often related to earning a lot of money easy, quick and fast and having the lifestyle of your dreams. As a matter of fact – Any website, blog, business online or offline takes time to build. There are no shortcuts no matter how much we would like it to be. So you need to avoid these online scams. Not all that glitters is golden. My reasons for saying this is because I want my visitors to have an awareness that is realistic about affiliate marketing. Building an online affiliate website to become a full time income takes time as with any other business on this planet and there are never any guarantees that you will succeed. It is all what you make it. If you give up at the first hurdle then Affiliate marketing is not for you.

Looking for a free website?

There are many free website builders out there, but there are not many who offers a free website and affiliate marketing basic training for free.

Wealthy Affiliate is the home of Affiliate Marketing and can offer you unparalleled and the best basic training online in starting an affiliate website. Read my previous SiteRubix Review to find out more:

Best Free Websitebuilder 2020 – Review

Get started with Siterubix Free website builder powered by Wealthy Affiliate

Create an online office – a website or a blog

( Photo: unsplash)

Most affiliate marketers start with a website or a blog because you want full control over your own content. Having a website make it easier for you to join affiliate programs. Your affiliate website will be your online office where you go to work every day to do your work and generate an income.

No money? Start for Free

(photo: pexels)

Do not have any money to start? No problem- With Wealthy Affiliate you can start for free and build a website and get training for free with the Siterubix Websitebuilder.

However, making a website and growing a business normally costs money. Building a business online or offline is never free. Hosting costs often a lot, domain names, Virus and Malware protection and Getting a secure website, SEO tools etc. These are services you need to pay for. It is much like renting a physical office and paying the house bill, electrical costs etc, just cheaper. But you can reduce the costs of building a website significantly by choosing the right websitebuilder and host.

Wealthy affiliate is the most secure and affordable place to start building and hosting an affiliate website. You do not have to worry about the technical stuff like security and protection which is really great.

There are alternatives to Wealthy Affiliate if you Google free website builder but they are much more expensive and will not give you any marketing and business training on the level that Wealthy Affiliate do. Wealthy Affiliate is unparalleled when it comes to the training and community of experts that you get access to.

How to make money with an affiliate marketing website


Wealthy Affiliate Free trial teach you step by step basic training in how to monetize your website the best way with affiliate partners. The advanced Premium membership training will give you much more opportunities and training in this that I truly recommend.

Choose a niche

The Wealthy Affiliate blueprint is designed for you to succeed in any niche you choose. Choosing a niche is important. You can choose to sell other peoples products and services or your own products and services. You need to choose the niche you are going to create your website in. Choosing a niche seems to be a huge issue for many starters. My tips is to start in a niche you love and can see yourself doing daily. It does not matter if you have the most popular niche if you do not do the work. Any niche can generate an income for you if you are willing to put in the work. Wealthy Affiliate Free trial will Guide you step by step in how to choose a niche.

Choose a website name

What will the name of your website be? You get training to find a good website name with Wealthy Affiliate. Maybe the domain name you really want is not available. Then what to do? The Wealthy Affiliate training will show you how to find and pick the best domain names for your website.and the community can help you with suggestions if you ask them. You can check below to see if the one you have been thinking about is available.

SEO Prepping

Your website needs to be prepared for search engine optimization to get traffic. You will learn to prepare your Website for SEO. You will get a step by step guide how to do this. It is not difficult.

Creating a web page

Do you know how to create a web page that attract traffic? This is an important issue – You will learn how to create amazing pages in the free training.

Content training – train for success

A website or a blog needs relevant and helpful posts and content to attract traffic from your niche. You can not just put an affiliate link on a page and expect people to find your website and click on your link.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a lot of lessons in how to systematically build content with the intent to rank on Google to get more traffic and conversions. You will learn techniques and how to make different types of content. Content is what build trust, bring traffic and ultimately sales.

The power of Daily Practice for success

A website is like a baby. You need to nurture it so it can grow up to be a fine adult. A website is also an income stream and a valuable asset that you own. The more traffic you get the more valuable your website will be. Daily nurturing your website by adding helpful content will give you a lot of traffic over time. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you step by step how to grow your website on a daily basis.

Affordable Advanced opportunities that will help you succeed

So, when you have built your free website with Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix Websitebuilder – Now what are your opportunities?

The most valuable opportunity for succeeding

Wealthy affiliate offers advanced opportunities in the form of a Premium membership and an extraordinary community for affiliate marketers. You get access to all the advanced opportunities and training to take your website to the next level. It is the only website builder that offers this sort of step by step training and community. And this is why this is my #1 recommendation for anyone who wants to build an affiliate marketing website.

It is a legitimate, acknowledged and their blueprint have been working for more than 15 years and been a major core factor in many affiliate marketers success online. You can read about some success stories here.

What are the Alternatives?

Less valuable opportunity for succeeding

You can of course decide to buy your own domain with another host online and develop your website on your own without any training if you have the technical skills and the know how.

Reject the opportunity

Or you can just throw your shirt in and say – This is not for me.

The choice is yours. You choose what you think is best for your goals and dreams.

I chose Wealthy Affiliate because it was a proven step, by step system that made complete sense to me and do not promise you gold and green pastures only a realistic and valuable training that actually works in practice.

They open the door for you to real and lasting income opportunities but as with any opportunity work is waiting for you once you enter that door. But following the training at Wealthy affiliate will definitely give you long term results. Read Eddy Salomons inspiring story :I made over $1 million with Affiliate marketing

Is Creating an affiliate marketing website for you?

If your answer is YES – Get started here and start build your affiliate marketing website today.

How to get your Action Bonus

If Sign up today to the free trial and become a premium member within 7 days you will get an Action bonus the First month as a member. First month for only $19 (normally $49) and a special helpful bonus video from me to help you on your journey.


Get it now!

A few things Before you pop off:

1. Would you be so kind and share this post with someone who might need to hear this? You may be the reason why someone become a successful affiliatemarketer.

2. Subscribe to my newsletter if you want to receive updates and regularly tips from me.


  1. This is a void post on affiliate marketing and what the perks are that one can get from working as an affiliate. I am happy that I found this post and I am also happy that I have a very big potential to be able to make some good money online through Wealthy Affiliate. It’s just so good to see that I can create a website for free. I’ll see what Wealthy Affiliate has for me.

    1. Author

      Hi Jay! Glad you liked my post. If you want to become an affiliate marketer – Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the place to start. It is the simplest way for a newbie to start an online business, but also a great platform for more advanced afffiliate marketers. 

  2. What makes it hard for most people to get into the right path of affiliate marketing is the fact that they don’t seek for help from reliable source,it’s very true that affiliate marketing is a simple online business to do but it also requires self teaching. The ideas of how to make a free affiliate marketing website is nice, it’ll be of help.

    1. Author

      Hi There! Thank you for adding your thoughts on this. Yes it is not easy to know who to rely on when you are new. I made a big blunder myself getting involved in a less serious source. When I found Wealthy Affiliate it was like getting a huge epiphany. Yes you ned to practice what you learn in the online training, but you never feel alone with Wealthy affiliate community and successful experts around you. It was a true eyeopener for me. Here I can seek help every time I need help and get the best help from affiliate marketing veterans like Kyle and Carson the founders and many others.

  3. There are several things that I didn’t know about affiliate marketing but now that I have read them, they make this offer very attractive. And one of the most important is that it takes away the hassle of handing and shipping products. I have read there are so many things that can go wrong with dropshipping that it discouraged me. But now that I’m getting to know affiliate marketing, I think it suits me.

    1. Author

      Hi Abel! Yes I think it is smarter to do affiliate marketing especcially if you never had an online business before. When you learn how to do it and gain more experience and expertise you can look into dropshipping or adding ecommerce module to your site if that is something for you. Most affiliate marketers start with a website or a blog and leverage and monetize their site in different ways on their journey. You will learn all about it in the Premium membership training.

  4. Hello Hilde, you have a done a really good job with how you’ve made a really comprehensive article and now so many people will understand how good a business affiliate marketing is and would love to give it a try. I must say that affiliate marketing is very interesting and one thing I love about it is the comfort of working for yourself at your own convenience 

    1. Author

      Hi Justin! Glad you like my article. Yes Affiliate marketing is very interesting because you can work with anything you like and earn money at the same time. Working from home have great benefits especially now when we are urged to stay more at home. If you give it a try you will soon find out if this is something for you or not, but do not be surprised when you have to do some work before you start earning money!😀

  5. This is a very useful article about affiliate marketing containing accurate and realistic information. I know that you’re not talking about illusions or exagerations because I am one of those who feel at home at Wealthy Affiliate just like you. I believe that I’d deprive my life of a valuable experience if I wasn’t a member of this great community. 

    I was also very impressed by Eddy’s inspiring story. I was thinking about the possibility of becoming the beneficial of some residual income, but earning over 1 million dollars as an affiliate marketer sounds incredibile, but, obviously, not impossible. 

    1. Author

      Hi Anyji! Thank you! Yes Eddy is inspiring, But if you read his post there is a lot of hard work, ups and downs behind it. The reason I added his story was to show it is possible if you do the work and focus on your goals. Everyone have a dream about something. For many it is not money, but happiness and other values that matters more.

  6. Hello there. I just read your post “How to create a Free Affiliate Marketing website”. Thanks for detailed information about the subject matter. You have articulated all the details about the subject. After working for almost one month on this WA platform, I can say that affiliate marketing is the best choice. I don’t understand why people shy away from affiliate marketing. Your article is eye opener for readers.

    1. Author

      Hi there! Thank you for sharing your opinion. Glad you liked my article and congratulation on taking the step to become an affiliate marketer.

      I do not have the impression that people shy away from it, but yes there are some scams that make people shy away. But most are legit and not scams.  think people generally do not understand the real value of affiliate marketing. 

      Only today I got an email from one of my affiliate partners thanking us for generating so much traffic to their sites. They wrote that they could not have done it without affiliate marketers and wanted to focus more on affiliate marketers. 

      I think many companies also do not see how much they actually can generate. Amazon was more or less an affiliate marketing success and the best example of how much affiliate marketers really mean to a company. I truly hope that my article can contribute to letting people and companies understand the value of affiliate marketing. 

  7. Hi, I’ve read your article “How to create a Free Affiliate Marketing Website”.
    I am happy that I found this article and I am also happy that I can create a website for free. The ideas of how to make a free affiliate marketing website is helpful. I found this to be a good post on affiliate marketing.I have been looking around for a while trying to find a good place to start a website. I think I just found it. Thank You.

    1. Author

      Hi Rosalia! Thank you for saying this. I am glad I could inspire you to create an affiliate Marketing website. Please Join me inside the Wealthy Affiliate Community and I will help you out.

  8. Thanks Hilde for a very extensive explanation of what is affiliate marketing, how & where one can start if they wish to go into this endevour. You’ve provided a very insightful writeup here and I think it gives someone who’s looking into affiliate marketing a better picture of what they are really getting into.

    I for one am a happy camper at Wealthy Affiliate. Learned a lot and have been constantly growing my business. If you are really serious in starting you affiliate marketing journey, then don’t wander around and get help from the best in the market. Check out Wealthy Affiliate and what they have to offer.

    Keep up the good work Hilde!

    1. Author

      Hi Mark! Glad you liked my article and think it is helpful for people who wonder about what affiliate marketing really is. 

  9.  One important aspect of any marketing business is the need to keep the costs down in order to be profitable.
     An affiliate website can be started for free. Once you get it going and develop a significant amount of traffic , the overall cost of hosting your website is relatively inexpensive with Wealthy Affiliate compared to starting any other  business online..Thank you very much for the explicit review

    1. Author

      Hi Lucas! Yes costs are essential in building an online business for sure. That is why the Free trial is such a great offer.Not to mention all the training you get for free too. I would say it is a real bargain. All businesses demands a certain amount of investment at one point. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely very affordable for a starter. 

  10. Definitely can not be more simpler than the way you have presented it here. Building a website is as simple as clicking a few buttons on Wealthy Affiliate. I can talk about it because I know about it and seriously, it has been easy. Everything is well laid out and it only requires doing very little to set up and  you are gaining so much core from this platform. Thanks

    1. Author

      Hi Nath! The  quickly built website and core training is probably the most awesome. Basic or Core training in world class. When you start this course you get mindblown by how much value they give you for Free. I went to marketing school myself, but this core training at Wealthy Affiliate is one of a kind that you will never learn at school.Glad you chose to become a member.

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