You want more customers to your business. Am I right? But where do you find them and how do you do that? A daily practice for success in your business evolves around offering value to your customers and getting new customers. There are many ways you can do this, but today I want to give you a review of an affiliate program and show you a simple and easy way to build a marketing list. How to build a Free List and get more customers with Global Moneyline.
Before you read the rest of my article I want to inform you according to the best online practices with information that may be important to you:
Affiliate disclaimer: This post contain affiliate links which means I will get a commission at no extra cost to you if you should click through and make a purchase.
Third party disclaimer: We are not legally responsible for what happens when you click on third party links because we have no control over third parties websites, content, functionality or security and can not be held responsible for any technical or other damage to your device such as computer, mobile or tablet used when clicking on a link to connect to other platforms, download material, install, modify or distribute any material, software or other.
Earnings and result disclaimer: Programs or products mentioned in this post that involve earning money will not work for everyone and there is no guarantee for success because there are too many factors that influence the results such as skills, circumstances and knowledge that we have no control over. Our Intention is to provide you with good potential opportunities and tools that can be helpful to your success.
Opinion disclaimer:
All views and opinions expressed in posts on are my own and not my affiliate partners views or opinions. Projections in this post are not endorsements.
Why do you need to build a list?
Like all online businesses you need customers. A very good method to attract customers to your website or business is to use a list or a type of sign up form. And when people join your list you can send them valuable tips, offers and your business offer. If they choose to go for your offer you have made a sale and got a new customer.
A list can be used to promote specific products or to send out updates and information that is useful for the customer.
A list help you to make a closer relationship with your customer and it builds trust, loyalty and returning customers if you use your tools right.
A list is not meant to spam people with all kinds of things they are not interested in. Then they will only unsubscribe.
A list can be automated to send certain mails at specific times like a campaign you think your customer can be interested in or a special offer.
The list is your business. (photo: BitMojii)
How to build a free list for beginners.
If you are a beginner you can use a free tool like Global Moneyline for growing your list from the start. I will explain to you why I think it is a good thing to do in this review
I knew nothing about Global Moneyline before a friend of mine told me how he had earned so much more after he started to use Global Moneyline as a part of his marketing suite. As an affiliatemarketer my curiosity took over and I decided to try it out for free to see if there were any truths to what my friend told me. All marketers want to build their lists to get more leads and customers.
Watch the video about my first 7 days on the free trial on Global Moneyline
In this review I will give you the facts, My experience with the free trial and affiliate upgrade. The pros and cons, and explain how it works and if I recommend this tool for growing your list. I will try to give you an unbiased review as well as I can. I want you to make up your own mind about this opportunity after reading the whole article and watching the videos.
Global Moneyline Review
In this Review I will take a closer look at The FREE list building system, How to get more traffic to your website for free with Global Moneyline, How to get more subscribers with FREE prospect lists – How does it work?
How to do list building – How do you build the list on Global Moneyline?, the compensation plan and support and what the customers say.
Facts About Global Moneyline
Legitimate Affiliate program in the category message service.
Founders: Private
Website: GlobalMoneyline
3 years ago – launched
500.000 members
Product : Straight line list builder and message service
Compensation structure: 3 upgrade affiliate structure = The first 3 Upgrades(including your own upgrade) goes up to the person who referred you. He or she is a part of Your Moneyline upwards. After the three first upgrades, you earn from all your affiliate joiners from then on.
Features: Access to several Income opportunities within the system, message and mail, commission according to what plan you are on, promotional material, message tools, SupportCenter.
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
How to get started for Free with Global Moneyline
Watch the video on how to get started here.
It can be a little difficult to understand how it all works from the start, but I advise you to do this:
Tips to get started with Global Moneyline
1. Watch the videos.
2. Read your mail on what to do every day.
3. Send all messages every day.
4. Add 5 up lines to your list.
5. Upgrade to Bronze to earn commissions from Global Moneyline affiliate program.
How does Global Moneyline work?
It works when you do the job of messaging every day. As simple as that.
It takes about 30 minutes with the free trial to send the messages.
With the upgrades it will take shorter time because you can message more people at the same time.
It takes time to build the list.
Watch how I grew my list in 7 Days See the video here
How do you make money with Global Moneyline?
When you message someone and they click on your link and make a purchase or sign up via your affiliate link you, make money. When someone who signed up to Moneyline after you upgrades, you earn money.
First week on the free plan I used 3 different messages I sent to test how it worked.
My Wealthy Affiliate link – Huge increase in clicks on link
My webtalk link – Result 1 referral
My website Link – Huge increase in traffic
My Jaaxy link – Result 22 clicks on link.
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
Result: 1 New Webtalk member. This means I earn more at Webtalk.
If the person had clicked on my website link and then clicked through on one or several offers I have there I would have generated traffic to my website and sales.
So you can do the same. Use a tracked link to se how much traffic and leads you generate.
Free plan
In the Free Plan you get no Global Moneyline affiliate commission, only possibilities to send messages and get clicks and referrals and sales if someone sign up via your messages. You also get marketing tools like Facebook Ads, banners and mail scripts to help you promote Global Moneyline on your social media. You will also get a daily email with your stats and tasks to be done.
Here is How my first week at Global Moneyline looked like
Day 1 Get started Guide + 1 mail Update + Task:: send messages
Day 2: Update on new subscribers + Click on 5 up line messages to se them and add them to your list + Task: send messages
Day 3. Info about Bronze plan + Task: send messages
Day 3: Info about Communication Personal list + Task Send messages
Day 4: Info About extended Fall Promotion to get a free upgrade to silver + Task: send messages
Day 5:Update on subscribers, Info on benefits with Moneyline + Task: Send messages
Day 6: Update info, Upgrade Confirmation I upgraded to Bronze on Day 6, Info on Account management feature + Task: Send messages
Day 7: New Joiners + Task: Send Messages
You will get Daily updates with information and tasks. I advise you to do what is recommended in the mails.
Bronze $20 one time payment
Now you can receive commissions from Global Moneyline affiliate program based on Up graders in your down line and send messages faster.
First 3 upgrades including your own will be credited your referrer. The person whose affiliate link you clicked on.
You get access to sending 20 messages at a time which will save you some minutes.
When someone clicks on your links and make an upgrade you click on the side menu communication tab with open orders.
You can only message a person one-time, unless someone answers you.
You need to update your account to choose if you want to get update mail from Monday to Friday and a summary mail on Saturdays.
Your dashboard will look different from the free account dashboard, You will have more options now.
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
What to do if someone subscribes?
You have to go to your dashboard to communicate personals or on the top menu on the dollar sign and click.
All new joiners on open sales orders will show up there.
On the picture below you see a screenshot of how the order site looks like when someone subscribes.
1. View open Orders:
You will see a name on the list with a purchase request.
Click on the persons name.
Click on send subscription.
That is not difficult at all and does not take long time.
2. When you received the payment
Receiving the payment is just as Easy.
Click on the name
Send them their subscriptions. They will receive a mail from you.
It is not difficult to do – very easy.
In the picture below you will see how it looks like. As you can see, it is well explained how to do it.
A Verified MoneyLine joiner is someone who has entered in their verification code received in their Welcome letter.
( Printscreen (Photo edited in Canva)
You can now see the status of the persons in your list. I think this feature is very easy to use. You can not do much wrong here, but it is up to you to make sure that people who subscribe with you get their subscriptions.
Watch the more about Bronze Account in this video here
The Bronze upgrade is worth the $20 you pay for sending your messages faster and being able to earn from the Global Moneyline system,
Silver $50 yearly payment
Interact with anyone worldwide who signs up after them in Global Moneyline
Send 50 messages at once
Displayed above bronze messages
Create own targeted message displayed on a silver only page by clicking on the Marketing menu – Setup Subscriber Ads to create/edit
You can only message a person one-time, unless someone responds back to you.
Watch the video here
Your dashboard will look different from your bronze dashboard
Gold $100 Yearly Payment
Interact with anyone worldwide who signs up after them in Global Moneyline
Send 100 messages at once.
Displayed above silver messages
Create own targeted message displayed on a rotating page which is shown on the dashboard to those who sign up after them.
Only message a person one-time, unless someone responds back to you.
Your dashboard will look different from your silver.
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
Platinum $250 yearly Payment
Interact with anyone worldwide who signs up after them in Global Moneyline
Send 250 messages at once
Displayed above silver messages
Create own targeted message displayed above gold messages
Platinum Subscribers can only message a person one-time PER MONTH, unless someone responds back to you.
Your dashboard will look different from your gold dashboard
Diamond: $500 yearly payment
Interact with anyone worldwide who signs up after them in Global Moneyline
Send 500 messages at once
Displayed above silver messages
Create own targeted message displayed over platinum messages
Platinum Subscribers can only message a person one-time PER MONTH, unless someone responds back to you.
Your dashboard will look different from the platinum dashboard
Double Diamond $1000 yearly Payment
Interact with anyone worldwide who signs up after them in Global Moneyline
Send 1000 messages at once
Displayed above diamond messages
Create own targeted message displayed over diamond messages
Platinum Subscribers can only message a person one-time PER MONTH, unless someone responds back to you.
Your dashboard will look different from the diamond dashboard
The Global Moneyline Compensation plan
Is Global Moneyline a scam?
No Moneyline is a legitimate Affiliate marketing program and Site.
Is Global Moneyline MLM?
No, It is not MLM, because there is only 1 person get paid when someone upgrade and not a whole up line. It is an affiliate marketing program.
When you sign up you will get a straight up line and down line. Your up line is before you and down line beneath you. So everyone who sign up after you will automatically be under you in a straight line.
There is no requirement to buy anything and you can use the platform for free and promote your posts, website to everyone on the list under you. If you want to upgrade to bronze your up line will get paid for that sale and the two next upgrades too.
It means after you make three sales as a bronze member You start earning money.
Global Moneyline Support
Global moneyline have a real good FAQ site that explains all you need to know about subscriptions. There are helpful videos that explain every step in the Moneyline commission system from Bronze to double Diamond. You can also submit tickets, get a ticket number that is unique and you can track the progress and responses. You can also contact your referrer for support if you need anything.
What does the customers say about Global Moneyline?
I made research on G2 and trustpilot. Only trustpilot had a few reviews. There were only 3 reviews there that was not very helpful so I disregard them. So I urge people who are using Global Moneyline to add a review on G2 and Trustpilot.
But I found a lot of customer reviews on Leadsleap. They were rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Here are some words I have Picked from some customers describing Global Moneyline:
Anthony: For me this is a no brainer. This is a great tool to have in your marketing Suite. It is easy to use.(Read the review)
VM Krishna: I recommend you to be a part of moneyline. This is a place where you can get tons of traffic, landing page and cool offers from others too.(Read the review)
Herbert: Unreal. Overnight I got hundreds to send my ads to. Totally Awesome. (Read the review)
Nigel: my members are growing at 300- 500 daily. (Read the review)
Wim: It is the holy grail of list building for anyone interested to build one.(Read the review)
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
Penny: This program is pretty cool. Sign up as a free affiliate, and on your page you will see an email envelope on the left menu, click on it, click your moneyline prospects and you will have an automatic list of at least 25000 people from all over the world you can email your sites to. It also grows every day, and you can also get paid to promote other people's sites and get paid twice.(Read the review)
My personal experience is that Global Moneyline will help you generate more leads and referrals every day. And it is an easy way to build a list. I watched my friend build a list and that is why I started.
What I think is good with Global Moneyline
1. Global Moneyline is so simple to start with and to use. And it gives a huge opportunity to create an awesome list.
2. You get visibility within the system and can send daily promotional messages.
3. You do not have to share your email = No spam in inbox. Only your referrer and the admin on Global Moneyline see your Email.
4. All communication happens in your account.
5. You can message your up line and referrer.
6. Good tutorials on how the system works.
7. Take little time.
8. Gives good results over time
9. Free Ads.
10. Easy way to build a list.
11. No distractions like timeline with other things. Only the best business offers.
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
What I think Is less good
1. You can only message one person at a time in the free trial. It takes some time to message over 300 a day. You must use 30 minutes to send them at least. Not more than an hour. One day I had 600 on my list and then I used over an hour.
2. You do not have access to all the affiliate marketing tools like all the banners and customization, but you have some nice Facebook ads and banners to use with a good quality.
3. You do not have access to customizing your message. I guess that is just how it is on any Free plan. You need to pay to get access to the most valuable tools. That is normal all over in all programs online.
4. You are not so visible as if you upgrade. I think this is the biggest problem because being visible do lead to more traffic.
5. Free members get no Global Moneyline commissions only the opportunity to promote your business via messaging and get referrals through messages. But I think that is cool, because on the free trial I received a referral on one of my messages on another platform which was just great.
6. It can be difficult to understand from the start how it works, but as soon as you follow the instruction in the mail and read the FAQ you understand much more.
So I hope I have provided you with comprehensible and valuable info about Global Moneyline so you can make your decision.
Should you get Global Moneyline?
During my exploration of Global moneyline I have found out that Global Moneyline is a very simple Affiliate marketing program and tool, focusing on promoting messages, so you can get more leads and referrals. Does it work? Yes absolutely.
You may not get a referral straight away like I did, but you will if you keep sending messages to new joiners in your down line every day.
The only thing I would have liked to know is who is behind the company, but as it is set to Private it is not possible to know. All I know is that major marketers are using this program for building lists and promoting their offers.
It is a legitimate program that I have no problem to say is good to use. I myself found this so helpful and rewarding that I upgraded to Bronze after 6 days.
So Do not wait! – Get your place in the line now and all joiners that sign up after you will be your down line. How cool is that?
Even if you decide not to use it at once your place in the Global Money line is kept and you can start building your list at any time.
A few things before you pop off!

Thank you for reading my whole article. I hope you found it helpful.
1. Would you be so kind and share this post with someone who might need to hear this?
2. Subscribe to my newsletter in the sidebar if you want to receive updates and regularly tips from me about different affiliate marketing topics that can be of value for you.
3. If you have any questions about Global Moneyline please leave them in the comments below.
4. Do not wait Sign up to Global MoneyLine Now!
Follow me on WEBTALK
Leads for free (Photo edited in Canva)
Oh, yes. The Global Moneyline platform is a good one and an awesome possibility for me to make some very good money and also get some customers myself. I like the fact that it is easy to use and that the list creation is very nicely done. I’m sure that I will be able to make good money with it. I think the pros is: this is greater than the cons.
Hi Suz! Thank you for your experience with this. I also think Moneyline is very easy and Awesome. If you send your messages daily you will get results. I have already noticed more traffic and more customers after I started using Global Moneyline. It is not timeconsuming like other adprograms where you have to view ads to earn points and credits. No, it is stripped down to the basic. Very simple. No distractions..Focus on sending messages to your prospects. With the free trial it may take some time to send the messages, but with Bronze plan you send 20 messages at a time. I think you are right that the pros are better than the cons.
I have heard about Gobal Moneyline. I have seen another person using it too. I will sign up now so I secure my place in the line. Who does not want to have more prospects and leads? I can totally see this tool as part of my marketing suite. Great Review! Very detailed and easy to understand what I need to do now! Thank you!
Hi Nath! You can sign up here to Global Moneyline. Just get started. Read the daily mails to know how to proceed. It is very simple to use. I would advice you to go for Bronze plan if you can to save time on sending messages. The first days your list is short but it grows with around 200-400 a day.
A great review of Global Moneyline and I enjoyed reading the part where you wrote if it is a scam or not. I’ve never caught wind of Global MoneyLine. However, aftere reading through your article, I will have to check them out myself.
However, of course its free to sign up, so perhaps I’ll look at it once I’ve made sense of different pieces of my online business.
Hi Josh! I advice you to sign up for free now so Global Moneyline can start building a list for you. You do not have to use it before you know how you will use it for your business. The list will be there for you when you decide to start. Everyone who starts after you will be on your prospect list.
Once you start you will have a long prospect list ready made for you. Once a prospect clicks on your links they get into your personal list.
I use it to promote affiliatepartners offers. So can you if you have a special offer. And it works pretty well.
First day I got a new customer and I have got several referrals to some programs I promote. However my main focus is on my website and writing articles about Affiliate marketing, tools, programs, Daily Practice for success etc.
If you have any questions just ask and I will help you.
Hello Hilde, thanks for sharing this really amazing article about GlobalMoneyine, I have to say that I’m really pleased with all I have seen here because it goes in line with what I have already heard about this business. It’s been on my book for a couple of weeks now to start and I thought it would be wise to make a search and see how genuine it is. Great article
Hi Justin! GlobalMoneyline is a legit affiliate program. No doubt about that. Otherwise I would not use or recommend it to others. You get a list of prospects every day that you can send your messages to. And this will help you build your own list. Everyone who clicks or sign up on your offers end up in your list.And this way you get prospects and customers that are genuinely interested in your product. Thank you for commenting. You are welcome to join here
Hello there Hilde, I really learned a great deal from your article and the video in it on GlobalMoneyline and I must say that I was impressed with how articulately explanatory and comprehensive your article was. This is in my opinion a great review of GlobalMoneyline and I’ll be happy to share it as I believe a lot of people can learn from it and wants to join to get more exposure and grow their lists to get more customers. Absolutely Brilliant! I will definitely try out this opportunity.
Hi Beesean! Glad you found it helpful. I appreciate you want to share my article. When you join you can share your own referral link to GlobalMoneyline. Let me know how it works out for you.
Many times, online business owners gets into trouble when their businesses don’t get as much customers as they want which can ultimately lead to the death of the business, so it’s good that they check articles like this with vital information about where to get free advertising and how to build a list that will help you get more customers, I’ve read a bit about Global Moneyline and I know it’s very effective. I just wonder how many prospects can you reach in a day? Do you get a lot of response on the ads?
Hi Bruce! Thank you for your questions! If you look at this Video I documented my first week at Global Moneyline.
You get approximately between 200-400 new prospects a day. You decide what offers you want to send these prospects. I recommend following the emails you get every day on how to proceed. It is wise to go for a Bronze membership because you can send more messages at a time and save time. On the Free plan you can only send 1 message at a time.
But Yes it is effective. I have had several referrals and customers via Global Moneyline. My downline is now grown extremely huge and that means you have lots of people to send your messages to. It is Free to try out for anyone who wants more referrals and traffic. If you have not started yet you can do it here.
Global moneyline is a platform I heard about recently via my boss and it seems that it can be the very best for anyone out there. This is really good to see on the overall. I like the fact that it has it all embedded in it. From getting the traffic to actually being able to generate the right leads too. Good one and a great place for networking too
Hi Darmi Maddie! Global Money is a message service to where you can be able to build a huge and strong list of prospects. In average you get to message around 300 new joinees a day on the Bronze plan and on the Top membership you can message all Global Moneyline joinees at the same time. So yes it will generate a lot of prospects and leads.Have you tried it out?
I have come across Global Money Line before, but did not realize that you can actually build a list with them. This is a very thorough review of the different plans in Global Money line, but I wonder what happens if you do not get around to responding to the daily email. Can you do it the following day or is it literally a 24 hour window that you have? And where do you actually get the people from that you can message? Are those people that joined after you that you can message?
Hi Line! Thank you for your comment and your questions. You can message once a week if you want to. The people you message are people on your personal list that you add yourself from people you personally invited by email and people who joined after you. People who click on your moneyline message automatically become a prospect. You can click on upliners messages and they will come into your contact list and you are able to message them as well one by one.
Hi, great article. I have a question, were you able to market to your money line ?
Hi Denise! Thank you for the Question. Yes I have marketed Global money line on my website, in Social Media, Blogposts and via Email.
I have got several referrals to moneyline and other affiliate partners promoting Moneyline.
You also have to remember that not All affiliate links will work to promote on the moneyline Platform.
You need to read the terms and conditions of your affiliate partner. Not Everyone allows you to add their links to Free ad platforms.
I hope this answered your Question!
You did a fantastic job at writing it, and your thoughts are excellent. This article is superb!
Thank you!