Review of Shareasale Affiliate Program and Marketing portal 2020


  1. Question 1; is it possible to invest a huge amount of money in your Shareasale account as a beginner? Question 2; can you promote a porn video on it ? Question 3; Can you directly log in with you Wealthy Affiliate login’s  or do you have to create another account. Question 4; can this Shareasale  effect my business with Wealth Affiliate? Question 5; What are the disadvantages of shareasale? Question 6; Is it safe for a company to partner with Shareasale?

    1. Author

      Hi there! Thank you for your wonderful questions. I am sure there are many others who is wondering about the same things so I will do my best to give you a proper answer.

      1. Shareasale is free to use once you are approved. You do not need to invest anything else than your time. However as a merchant there is an investment to create an affiliateprogram with Shareasale. You can find out more about that here

      2. NO, you can not promote porn or any violence or any other unappropriate content. You will not find it on Shareasale. It is written in the terms and agreement that you need to accept when you start as an affiliate. 

      3. Shareasale is not connected to Wealthy Affiliate so you need to create a new account. Wealthy Affiliates have their own affiliate programs – jaaxy affiliate program   and Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate program.

      When you sign up to Shareasale -you can choose to promote Sharesale or/and apply to as many affiliateprograms in the Shareasale database. You manage all your affiliates from inside Shareasale.

      4. Shareasale will not ecceft your business with Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate actually urges their members to use Shareasale to find affiliate partners. It is up to you who you want to promote on your own website.

      5. Well the disadvantages of Shareasale for affiliatemarketers can be that they do not find a product for their niche. i would then contact Shareasale to let them know so they can work on providing it. And the approval time can take some time. 

      6. Yes it is perfectly safe for a company to partner with Sharesale whether you are an affiliate marketer or a merchant. They have 20+ years of experience and are a solid and legit company. So do not worry about that. Shareasale is far from being a scam.

      I hope I managed to answer you properly on your questions. If you still have more questions – please let me know!

      Thank you for asking!

  2. For the past few months I have been using Amazon and hear shareasale is quite a good program. The application was easy for shareasale but its been a week now I haven’t gotten  a reply, I’m sure it may take some more time. I’m more captivated by the tutorials available I believe in gaining more knowledge and the payment threshold is quite okay, not too high and not too low, that should keep me working. Thanks the review is really detailed.

    1. Author

      Hi Donny! As I wrote in my review, the application process may take some time. Glad you liked my review. You will be able to earn quite good with Shareasale if you find relevant products to your website and make sure that your affiliates have autodeposit. Good idea to prepare yourself by watching tutorials.

  3. I have a Shareasale account and I have to say that it has a lot of very good products and services to promote. Some of these don’t require an approval process so these are ideal for beginners who have a new website and want to add some affiliate links. I think commissions are ok, especially if you are selling high-ticket digital services. Overall I’d say it’s a great network. 

    1. Author

      Hi Horatious! That is true not all the programs have an approval process. The commissions varies from product to product so you will find the most lucurative one to the not so lucurative ones.

  4. Dropping by your article gives me another option to add my existing affiliate companies because truly, it’s hard to just lay your eggs in just one place to secure your online business.

    I have a concern though, if Shareasale does have a policy like Amazon that if you weren’t able to make a sale within the 6-month period, you won’t be able to continue promoting products from their platform? If so, can you as well reapply for this?

    Thanks in advance and be safe!

    1. Author

      Great Question! Shareasale mention in its Affiliate Terms and condition that an account that have been inactive (not logged into) or had no transactions within a 6 months period will be closed. It is not mentioned any thing about a re application. So my guess is that you can Re – apply. Anything else would be strange.I

      f it happened to me I would have contacted support and asked for prolonging my affiliate period. I think Shareasale have a fair policy and will understand as long as you are active in promoting them.  I will check this up to be 100% sure myself. This is the best answer I can give you at the moment.

  5. I have recently joined ShareASale and I must admit I am quite impressed. I used to only use Amazon, as they were easy to use and they would pay you on anything that your referrals ordered, even if it was not on the link that you provided. The only problem their commissions are so low that it is time to look at other ways of making an income.

    The only downside to ShareASale so far for me is that you need to get approved by all the different merchants, which sometimes takes over a month, so it does slow one down somewhat.

    1. Author

      Hi Michel! Glad to hear you joined Shareasale. Personally I have earned more with Shareasale than with Amazon so you definitely come to one of the best places. Some merchants have automated sign ups. You can search on this in the merchant search filters. Most  merchants use their time to approve you. My experience about this so far is that most answer fast. However I have a few applications that took longer time. But overall you save a lot of time on searching for each merchant individually.

  6. This comes at the right time for me where I have started developing my content website and looking for Affiliate Platforms to monetize my content. Have heard about Shareasale a lot but have always missed a comprehensive write-up on it. That was the reason why I was slightly intimidated before joining this program.

    It looks to be an easy to use system specially for new affiliate marketers. They can connect with smaller merchants which is a win-win for both.

    The affiliate commission for joinig Shareasale is pretty good at $150/sale.

    I am definitely going to try this out. Thanks for sharing this comprehensive review.

    1. Author

      Hi Rohit! Thank you for dropping your thoughts on Shareasale. It is easy to use and they have a real good database of merchants. Yes the shareasale commissions are pretty good. I think you will be glad you joined. Costs nothing to try – It is free.

  7. I meet all the important requirements to be able to join this particular platform that you have shared here and also be able to share their business around as well. This will serve as a very good opportunity for me to expand my coast really well and that is all thanks to you. I am glad to be able to read this and learn about this affiliate business too.

    1. Author

      Hi Payton! Glad to hear you have been approved by Shareasale. Now you just need to find some relevant merchants for your business to promote. Thank you for leaving your thoughts!

  8. Hi and thanks for this excellent and comprehensive review of ShareASale.I am getting to that point where I need to consider other affiliate programs. I wonder for example how does ShareASale compare with CJ Affiliates for example. I need to look at the merchants. My niche is Finance and I can see one or two merchants that might be a good fit for me. I am still working on building traffic though. I am getting a slow trickle of clicks but nothing that is converting yet. Though I have to say the focus of my efforts remains on building quality content. I started with Amazon Associates probably too soon as I haven’t got a sale yet. The unfortunate thing is that I need to review books for my niche so Amazon is pretty much a must. Looks like I am going to have to work on this area a lot. Thanks for opening my eyes to this issue. Best regards, Andy

    1. Author

      Hi Andy! Both of the affiliate programs are great according to my knowledge, but I would keep a button on Shareasale because I think the commissions are better and because there are so many merchants that are relevant to any niche there. 

      There are several Finance programs already and new programs are being added every day. If you are looking for a specific finance program you can check directly with them to hear if they have an affiliate program. Some merchants are still not open to the idea that affiliate marketing can open doors to new markets for them and do not use affiliate marketing as part of their marketing strategy. Many merchants have got tips from affiliate marketers who wants to join them. You can ask them if they have any plans to join the Shareasale Merchant program

      Amazon has cut their affiliate commissions to a historical low. To me it is not interesting anymore. I am still an associate on a few products but I consider cutting them off due to the latest slashes in commissions. There are merchants within Shareasale who sell books as well. I think you would benefit more on affiliating with them. 

  9. This was a great article. I have been looking into Shareasale to join as an affiliate. So, I am glad I came across your article. I do have a couple of questions for you. Are any requirements that you must meet in order to be approved as an affiliate for Shareasale? Since some of the merchants inside of Shareasale have their own approval process, do they have requirements clearly stated so you know from the get-go if you will be approved or declined? 

    1. Author

      Hi Amanda! Thank you so much for your question. Shareasale have their own approval process.There are no special requirements other than you need a website. They are normally approving new sites easily. It can take some days before you get an answer. I strongly recommend shareasale for affiliate marketers. The commissions are great and it is easy to navigate and get reports.

  10. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I believe this honest post will help other readers who come across it as it has helped me at the moment. it really dragged my attention as i was glancing through it i just could not ignore it Shareasale is really a good affiliate program and i really hope more people get to see this article of yours thanks for sharing this with the public 

    1. Author

      Hi Joy! Yes I really do recommend applying for Shareasale affiliate program. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  11. Hello there,  thanks so much for sharing this awesome article about Shareasale i know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.I totally agree with you Shareasale affiliate program is a very nice one although, I haven’t signed up yet but I have friends who have and they are testifying and recommend them.

    1. Author

      Hi There! Yes your friends are absolutely right. Shareasale is definitely an affiliate program you would want to join. They have great commissions and is very user friendly. Every day new niches and new affiliate partners are added. Shareasale is part of Awin so you might also want to check out Awin.It is also a good affiliate program.

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