When you create a business you want it to grow, get bigger, more profitable, more fulfilling etc.

Am I right?

Well if I do not grow neither will my business.

That is why I think my daily practice for success is so important in the long run.


In my previous post I wrote about how it all starts with you.

Your business is you.

With employees, you have a team, and the business is your team.

Right now I do not have a team but one day i might have one.

It will demand the ability to lead myself as well as others if I get employees.

So it is important that we think about that when we start a business.

I have asked myself often: am I able to do that?

Do I have what it takes?

I am sure I am not the only one who asked these questions.

You probably asked yourself the same questions.

Awareness is the key

The ability to listen, see, understand, communicate, care and reflect,

It is not easy and I will grow with practice.


I believe a key factor for making my business grow is ownership.

As an owner I am ultimately responsible for everything in my business.

All the successes and all the failures.

You have to own it – it is all on you

You can not just say – I am going on holiday in a hurry and the business will take care of itself.

I actually experienced that once.

I was a daily leader in a small store many years ago and we had many customers coming in every day.

My boss was a key figure in the store and made all daily decisions and appointments with customers

One day my boss did not come to work and I had to make tons of excuses to customers who had made appointments with him.

No one knew where he was.

Three weeks later he turned up smiling like nothing happened.

Nothing wrong with going on holiday, but you better communicate it and reschedule appointments at least.

You can not assume that your employees will take ownership if you are not showing it yourself.

I remember I was thinking why should I feel responsible for the store when my boss did not?

If I had not felt a kind of ownership towards my job and been so flexible he would not have had a job to come back to.

I told him that  if he ever did that again I would close the shop and leave my job.

This was a valuable life lesson for him and me about leadership and ownership.

Being an employee myself for many years I know a thing or two about what it is like to be an employee.

Employees want to feel seen, heard and understood and they want a sense of ownership, involvement and caring for their work according to who they are as individuals and to be able to stay motivated and grow over time.

They need an environment to grow in if they are staying for the long run.

Sounds Familiar?

If an employee does not feel ownership and caring, you will notice in the way they talk and work.


You have your why In your business to why you do what you do.

Are you working with others they will have their own why.

Never forget that.

I believe the why of my business is important for the growth .

Having a clear why makes everything easier for everyone.

Decisions become easier to make on all levels and areas in your business.

And for everyone in your business as well.

It is the most important to be aware of as a leader.

To communicate the why of your business.


I think Consistency is equally important for the growth of my business.

In one of my previous posts I write about why you should practice consistency.

The same goes for my business.

I need sleep, water and food routines to be the best I can be at work.

It means no matter how much I have to do in a day I need to find time for drinking and eating without stressing.

The focus for your business is what will grow so make sure you have a consistent focus on your why and your goals.

Good daily business routines basically.

I believe in being a kind leader to yourself and your employees.

Kindness is underrated and is of many seen as a weakness.

I see kindness as a strength.

Kindness is to see, hear and understand your employees and to find good solutions that works for the business and each individual.

I believe It generates more trust and positive feelings and better relations within the business.

But of course that will demand more of myself as a leader.

Awareness of the general feeling and atmosphere in your business is very important.

If you are aware you can address it and solve anything in a much better way.

To have a routine of gratitude to your business, yourself and your employees.

This will help generate a grateful mindset towards the work you do.

Having a morning routine with your employees ex. 5 minutes of Face Yoga to relieve stress, generate a good mood

and feel more confident could be a good idea.


Having a clear vision for my business will help me as a leader and the individuals working in my business.

I believe knowing why you do what you do and what you want to accomplish is important for everyone in the business.

You will easier attract the people who share your vision.


Strategy and plans

How will you do it?

I need to find a good strategy In growing my business.

I know it will help me reach my goals and keep the focus.

Planning your day and your daily activities is a well documented success recipe.

Keep it essential.

Opportunity and community

Whether you are a one woman small start up business like me or bigger you need to grow.

When you grow your opportunities grow.

But you can not do it all by yourself. You need support, feedback and learning new skills all the time.

For me it has been a blessing to be a part of Wealthy Affiliate Family and have access to so much training, know how, support and feedback. I am sure that without this community I will grow more slowly.

And this is the strength of Wealthy affiliate – it is a business who let people grow while they are learning, meeting others, having fun, sharing ups and downs.


Growing is a process. It takes time to grow.

And I have learned that to grow I must do many mistakes .

I must be prepared to suck from the start – Everyone does.

Do not be afraid of failing.

Failing is good for you as long as you learn from it.

And honor your journey, have fun in the process.

As long as you are consistent with your daily practice, you will grow.

Believe in your dream! Make it Happen!


Hope you find this post useful. I appreciate it if you leave a comment below telling me what you found most useful.

I would appreciate that very much.

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