It is not many days left before a new year starts. Have you made a plan yet? If not, now is the time. In this article How to plan for a whole year if you are an affiliate marketing beginner I will show you one special tool I use to plan my year with and I will also give you my monthly planner for free.
Before you read the rest of my post I want to inform you according to the best online practices with information that may be important to you:
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Why Plan for a whole year?
When you have a yearly planner to follow and a strategy to follow it is so much easier to get the results you want.
As a new ambitious Affiliate marketer this is so smart to do because then it is so easy to see your progress and measure your results. My best tips is not to over complicate it. Make it easy and clear.
Do not leave your day to randomness as many new affiliate marketers do.
Make a concrete idea you can hold on to and take advantage of your planner to make your dreams come true.
Plan your year and your affiliate marketing business
There are many great planning tools out there you can buy like journals and planners to help you to keep on track.
I am often asked by my sign ups what tools I use for my planning.and if I have any tips for what to use.
When I started online I just used a normal note book and Google docs.
These works great for a start but after a while I needed a tool that could include almost everything I did online.
Now I use my Daily Practice for success monthly planner I made myself to plan my months and a digital tool I found awhile ago that I can customize to my own needs.
Feel free to use my monthly planner too. You can go here to get it for free
My Digital planning tool
I have used and tried out many digital planning tools and organizers since I started online.
I think there are many good ones out there and it is up to you to pick one that you feel fits for you and your online business.
I recently started using a digital tool to help me with planning marketing projects, keeping a daily journal, my daily tasks, jot down thoughts and ideas, doing research, make plans, create web pages, create shareable work spaces and set goals and planning for a new year and create databases and websites.
My favorite digital tool at the moment is The all-in-one work space for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
This tool is the most helpful tool I have tried out in a long time because I can have full overview in one place.
You can try out this tool called Notion, that I use.
Go here and create a Personal plan for free today or you can create a Notion Team plan or a Notion Enterprise plan
How to write a year plan?
If you have no idea how to write a year plan you can download my monthly planner and you will be invited to a mini workshop where we are going to plan next year together in my group.
What to plan?
In a yearly plan you normally have one major yearly goal
You divide your year in four 3 month periods.
Then you plan all the quarterly goals, projects that will help you achieve your yearly goal.
So basically there are 4 major goals you need to achieve to hit your big yearly goal.
Your goals should be easy to measure.
One example that is easy to measure for affiliate marketing beginners is income goals and sales.
If you earned 1K this year your new goal can be to Earn 10 K next year
That means you need to make a more detailed plan how you are going to earn 2,5 K every 3 months.
If you made 100 sales this year your new goal could be to double or triple or 10X.
Then you break it down to Monthly goals and weekly goals and ultimately daily goals.
It is not that hard to do, but it is well worth the time you spend doing it
Planning my whole year have helped me find more clarity and work smarter .
It is so easy to see what works and what does not work.
And do not forget my friend that Plans are not fixed. They can be adjusted and improved.
Another Question I often get is when is the right time to plan for next year?
When to plan?
October is often the month of the year when most online businesses start planning for the next year.
However, there are no correct answers to when you should make a plan.
The most important thing is that you have a plan to follow so you always know what to do and
you know you will reach your goals if you follow this plan or strategy.
Have you planned for the next year yet?
Get my monthly planner + bonus
If you are a new affiliate marketer and have not planned for next year yet or do not know what to plan,
you can download my step by step Daily practice for success monthly planner where I show you how I do it.
As a bonus you will also get an invitation to a mini workshop in my private Facebook group where I will show you how to plan your month and your year.
I hope you find these tools helpful too. I would appreciate if you leave a comment below to let me know
If you want more marketing tips from me you can sign up to our mail list here
Go here to get the monthly planner or click on the picture.
Photo: made in canva by Hilde Regine Rayani