What is the best work from home jobs? This is a real good question. I asked myself the same question before starting to work from home with my blog. I had a myriad of questions. Certainly if you are reading this post you have some questions too. Am I right? Some of my questions were: Is it really possible to work from home? What kind of job can I do from home? And how can I earn money working from home? Will I like to work from home? Do work from home jobs really pay? Will I get a better or worse Work/Life balance? Do I need any experience? And how can I be sure to find an online work that is not a scam or too expensive? Will working from home help me develop a daily practice for success? and so on. I had countless of questions. Today I will go into this and provide you with some useful information and statistics about working from home and show you what I think is the safest, most established, acknowledged, well proven, affordable and documented way to work from home in 2020.
Before you read the rest of my article I want to inform you according to best practices with information that may be important to you:
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Earnings and result disclaimer: Programs or products mentioned in this post that involve earning money will not work for everyone and there is no guarantee for success because there are to many factors that influence the results such as skills, circumstances and knowledge that we have no control over. Our Intention is to provide you with good potential opportunities and tools that can be helpful to your success.
Opinion disclaimer:
All views and opinions expressed in posts on are my own and not Wealthy Affiliate views or opinions. Projections in this post are not endorsements.
Why do you want to work from home?
Let me start with some facts about working from home and a relevant question.
90% of all online businesses worldwide are small businesses that have only one employee.
Before you start working from home, you might want to ask yourself this question.
Why do you want to work from home?
Do you have a dream or a passion you want to pursue?
Are you unemployed or lost your job and looking for a job where you can earn extra money?
Do you want more freedom to decide your own working hours and your own working life?
Are you working better from home than in an office?
Do you think you will you thrive working alone?
You are tired of working in a job you really do not love and want to work with what you love.
You are tired of commuting and want more time for work and leisure.
To be your own boss is something you prefer.
You believe working from home will make you more happy.
You might also want to read my previous post What is your deepest why.
Below I have added a chart from Statista that shows the monthly unemployment rate in the U.S. since 1948. This is more or less representative for most countries in the world right now due to corona. The tendencies are clear. The global situation have probably forced you to think differently and be more creative in your daily life. Numbers speak for itself.
You will find more info graphics at Statista
This chart shows daily active users of workplace communication app Teams
You will find more info graphics at Statista
Is it possible to work from home?
More than ever working from home is very relevant. More and more people have now access to digital technology and are spending more time online for work, shopping, education etc.
Working from home is here to stay. You are probably one of many who just discovered that you would like to change your own working schedule and would like to work more from home online. Reading this post you most likely have a dream about creating your own business working from home or looking for an opportunity to change your current situation. You are looking to find the answers to if working from home is a good idea or not for you and how you can proceed.
If you look at the info graphic below it is interesting to see that only around 8% were working home before this global crisis happened and 43% wants to work more remotely after the crisis. People obviously felt more secure in their work before than they do now. 39% would like to work more from home now and this will impact our whole world in the time to come. The global crisis have also made it easier to work from home. Most statistic info graphics show a steep rise in online users.
If you are like me you want to secure yourself with multiple income streams to be more resilient for the future. Spreading the risk in case of unwanted happenings. So working from home and starting a business online could be a fortunate solution for you.
Looking at numbers from other surveys done in other countries as well we will see more or less the same tendencies as below.
Statistics Statista
You will find more info graphics at Statista
You will find more info graphics at Statista
Is working from home a Privilege?
Photo: Unsplash
A survey done in 2019 shows according to Statista that 43% of employers worldwide does not allow working from home. Comparing this with the previous chart where 43% say they would like to work more remotely is interesting and food for some thought. Would these people work from home if they could?
You can actually see that working from home and income have a connection with who is able to work from home and 29% said they were able to work more from home due to the crisis. Suddenly we were forced to be home and work from home all over the world. However, as you will see in the info graphics below it seems that a global crisis impact our ability to work from home differently according to income levels. Only 13,3% of people with income under $100.000 were able to work from home. So it seems based on these numbers that being able to work from home is a privilege for most people.
According to Statista : Redfin have conducted an online survey is working from home privilege
This chart shows which income groups in the U.S. were able to increase working from home due to the corona virus outbreak (March 2020).
You will find more info graphics at Statista
What kind of job can you do from home?
The best work from home job in 2020 is to start your own online business. It will give you all the benefits mentioned earlier like flexibility, resilience in creating multiple streams of income, privilege to choose when to work and what to work with, you save money and time on commuting to and from an office. It will also give you a lot of new opportunities.
There are plenty of jobs offered online to work from home so what kind of job can you do that is safe and provides you with training and follow up?
Beware, You will find a lot of earn money fast online scams out there as well that promises fast and quick money, but everyone knows this is not the reality. Many companies have hidden fees and up sells so before you have all of them you will not be able to do your business properly. Just picking a website provider can be tricky if you have no experience.
You can work with whatever you want working from home. There is no limit. I will show you a safe way you can do this.
Looking at the info graphics below you will see the attitudes to remote work. It is interesting to see that the general perception is that remote working could make them and the industry more effective.
This chart shows U.S. attitudes towards remote working on an individual and industry level during the COVID-19 crisis
You will find more info graphics at Statista
Do you need any experience to start working from home?
No you do not need any experience to start working from home. You can just start and learn as you go. However, I think it is better to start on a safe and experienced online platform that will give you the basic and advanced training in how to work from home so you can grow faster than you would do alone.
Is it easy to work from home?
Working from home is not for everyone, because you work all alone normally. It demands that you establish a good master plan and daily routines. Working from home will often involve more distractions so you need to be aware of this and find a way you can work effectively. You might want to read my article:
It is much easier if you are a part of an online community that can give you daily inspiration, motivation and input to do your work. Working from home will teach you to develop discipline.
Do work online from home jobs really pay?
Yes they do. You can actually earn a great deal working online, but as with all business it takes time to build a constant revenue. If you are new to this, you would do better if you join an online community that will help you grow faster and do things the right way. A community of experts who already done it before many times is a valuable contribution in your work from home. You might read my review where I give examples of different people on different levels who actually make money online.
How can you earn money working from home?
Basically this is how you can earn money working from home:
Affiliate marketing:
Create a website and sell other peoples products on a commission (affiliatemarketing).
Create a web shop from your website with affiliate products.
Online entrepreneur:
Create a website selling your own products/services.
Create a web shop on your website selling your products.
Is working from home for you?
Now to the big question you are wondering about. Is working from home for you? Well I can not answer this question for you. That is a decision you need to take. It is all up to you. But if you choose to work from home you must own it. Personally I find it not much different from working from an office. The difference is your mindset of working from home that needs to be developed. This is practice. Working from home teach you to take responsibility for all you do.
My best tips to you if you want to succeed working from home is:
Make a good master plan and work consistently every day like you would do in an office job.
Create a website on a safe and well-known platform that can offer you All in One training in building a business online.
Develop good daily habits
Ask your community for help if you feel stuck.
Will my work and life balance improve?
One of the benefits many online workers experience is that they feel their work and life balance perk up and feel more efficiently working from home. They get more time for other tasks. Not having to commute an hour or two daily will give you two hours at least to do other tasks.
Personally I set strict rules to separate my work hours from other tasks. I make a weekly plan and make my office hours a priority. My planner is a valuable tool. Sometimes I do not feel like working, but I do it anyway, because I know when I first start that feeling goes over. I actually push myself into a different emotional state.
By planning my tasks and sticking to them I get a lot done. Of course there are days when you get distracted, but you are your own boss and if you choose not to work one day that is totally up to you. No one tells you what to do and when to do it except yourself.
Personally I think my work and life balance have improved. I feel less stressed. I do not have to be at work at a specific time. No one gives you “the five minute too late look”. The work pressure is lower. I can take breaks when I want to. And I am more efficient, because I work with what I love to do.
I have more time to other tasks in the house, being with family and friends, doing my activities and educating myself. I feel much more happy with my life now.
How can you avoid scams and ponzi schemes online?
I know how difficult it is to find a safe and good blueprint online that can help you grow a business. I have been there.
Starting up with an expensive blueprint who promised good results and good training. I thought it must be good because it was so expensive. The training was alright, but it was in fact just basic marketing training. Then came the up sells. I had to pay for a website and other programs to be able to complete the program. And on top of it all I was advised to spend a lot on advertising. The program in itself was not bad, but paying $3000 for just basic training was in retrospect not a good decision.
The scam was that they presented themselves as an All in one professional Package but could not deliver it. I found out later that their customer contentment was very low because of all the hidden costs and up sells. They did not meet their customers expectations and needs.
Also beware of Ponzi schemes.
So doing some research on scamwatch sites is a good way to start. You might want to read my article where I give some tips on what to look for when choosing a platform to grow your business from.
Then I found Wealthy Affiliate who delivers much more than they promise. A full package with what you need to start a business online. Continue reading and I will tell you more about this.
Is working from home relevant in the future?
The future of work is changing for real. We will see more people working online than before for various reasons. It is interesting to see that 79% of executives think freelancers will replace full – time employees. The benefits of working from home are flexibility, a better work- life balance, freedom to work where you choose and what you choose, saving time on travel which means more time to work or for leisure and the feeling of self-improvement and learning. This is what many people want. To feel more happy and fulfilled with their lives.
Automation and robots will become more normal. At the end of 2025 1 of 5 will work alongside a robot. This will lead to many new opportunities and creative ways to work.
Personally I think 2020 marks a shift in how we are working and based on all statistics I have read and all the research I have done I feel confident in saying I think more and more people will open up their eyes to all the possibilities you will have working online from home. The next decade will bring us new technology, new tools and new perspectives. I think we will see more people working part-time online and part-time in other jobs to safe guard themselves – to become more resilient and reduce risk of loosing income. Working online from home is the best way to become more resilient.
This chart shows the share of self-employed workers in selected countries in 2018
You will find more info graphics at Statista
This info graphic looks at how the way we work is changing:
You will find more info graphics at Statista
The best work from home job 2020
My best tips is to create a free website with SiteRubix and Wealthy Affiliate where you will get full training in how to monetize your website and build your business in a legit way. It is a well respected, trusted, valued and widely known to be the best and safest way to earn money online. Customer content is extremely high compared to relevant competitors. Check it out in my previous article.
You can start a blog, an online shop, offer a service, write reviews, and earn money with affiliate marketing. You might want to read some of my previous posts where I go more in detail into this. Wealthy Affiliate is not a snappy scheme or a scam.
I was very critical at first because of my previous experiences so I can understand if you are too. Especially if you experienced scams earlier.
Wealthy Affiliate is the real thing and they give you all the basic training for free in a free 7 days trial.
To find out more you can read my review on Siterubix website builder(powered by Wealthy Affiliate) or my articles on How to make a money making website with Wealthy Affiliate and How to turn your passion into a success and a profitable business at wealthy Affiliate
You can also watch my video Best Websitebuilder 2020 here.
Here is what you get if you start at Wealthy Affiliate
Final thoughts
I hope I have provided you with some useful perspectives and useful information and statistics about working from home. You can check out what I think is the safest, acknowledged, well proven, affordable and documented way to work from home in 2020 by starting your 7 day free trial so you get a firsthand experience before you decide if you want to go for the Premium membership. I would be grateful if you leave a comment below to let me know if this was helpful to you or if you have any questions
Claim your mentor bonus here! (You will receive a helpful tool when you start)
One thing before you go: Will you do me a big favor and share this post with someone you know who might need to hear this or share it on your social media profile? You never know, you can be the reason why someone changes their lives completely today by sharing it.
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I believe that working from home is the dream of so many persons because of the many benefits that it offers although different persons have different reason there is a lot involved sure we may have the freedom but, we must organize putting things in place to run a successful business from the comforts of our homes.
Hi Norman! Yes we all do have individual reasons to why we choose to work from home. Freedom never comes without responsibility for true. It is interesting that so many now after the crisis wants to work from home. Could it be that the crisis gave us some new perspectives on our lives? Time management and scheduling is a must when working at home. I agree with you on that.
I absolutely support your voice for work from home, however, recent COVID 19 episode added some extra strength there. Millions of official are working from home right now.
It’s fine to complete your office job right from your home, but I mostly support your words about online marketing idea. There is nothing better than build up your own foundation right from the comfort of your sweet home, and in reality thousands of people earn lot of money from this work from home business.
Anyone can do this but everyone must learn the tricks to win first, and it’s great to see you have also suggested a genuine platform to learn and roll online business. Great!
Hi! I could not agree with you more. I think Wealthy affiliate is the most complete and well documented over 15 years.
Professional founders and training that really works. Thank you for the support!
Very relevant to our current situation.
More people are starting to see the value of being able to work online instead of showing up to a physical place…social distancing and all.
…But of greater importance in the number of unemployed in 2020. That was a drastic increase.
I have tried Wealthy Affiliate and it is working well for me so far.
I do hope people realize that Wealthy Affiliate is an actual opportunity to build a business and not just a get rich quick scheme so you actually have to put the work in. The good thing is, you get to create your own hours but at the end of the day, your income depends on your ability to focus on the training and turn a blind eye to all shiny new get rich quick Ponzi schemes out there. This is the hardest part for me. I was easily distracted.
Great to know I am already with the best 🙂
Thank you for your insights! Yes too many are taking a chance on ponzi schemes thinking they will get rich overnight. Not all that glitters is Gold!
I am glad you chose Wealthy Affiliate.
It is a solid and proven scheme you can count on. Good decision!
Very good working from home tips and the importance of a home-based business. Good transition to WA which is a great choice on which to establish a solid foundation in online marketing.
Hi there! Thank you for commenting. Glad you found my tips useful and important. With WA you get a solid online marketing foundation. That is for sure.
This is a very comprehensive article, What I know for sure it that a lot of people now think different about working from home, this is much needed information for all to read, i will certainly share this to others.
thank you much for this.
Hi! Glad you found my article useful!
Thank you so much for sharing a beautiful and insightful article with us. The prime element of this article is the best work from home jobs in 2020. It is truly impressive that you covered this subject so well in your post. I’ve learned a lot from reading your article and developed a lot of knowledge about it. I like how can you earn money work from home to the points mentioned in your article. One such platform is Wealthy Affiliate from which I myself am earning by working from home.
I enjoyed reading your article so I want to share the subject of your article in my Facebook group so others can find it and join in 2020 and earn money by joining Wealth Affiliate Platform.
Hi Asraful. Glad you enjoyed reading my article. Thank you for shating your thoughts and thank you for sharing my article as well in your Facebook group.